Brokerage and Forwarding

Shipping Agent

This page is accessed via Brokerage and Forwarding > Shipping Agent Management > Shipping Agent Manager.

The Shipping Agent Manager is where you define the agent specific information, such as the corporation they are with and the location they work at, which is associated with a Shipping Agent Contact.

Shipping Agent

  1. After assigning a Shipping Agent ID, use the Agent/Location Name field to identify the agent and/or location for which this agent is assigned. If you only have one shipping agent at a location, you may only want to enter a location name here. If however, you have multiple shipping agents at a location, you may want to enter a combination of an agent identifier and location name.
  2. Create or select the corporation with which the shipping agent is associated in the Corporation ID field.
  3. Optionally, you can use the Account Code field to enter the specific customer account this shipping agent works with. This field is for information only.

Reference Number

  1. Enter a Reference Number.
  2. Find or create a Reference Number Qualifier.
  3. Click Save for each reference number and qualifier that you enter.

Service Provider Attributes

This section allows you define details for the service provider that will be created by the shipping agent.

  1. Select a Mode Profile from the drop-down list.
  2. Find or create an Allocation Rule Profile.
  3. Select the Autopay check box to have Oracle Transportation Management automatically create an invoice with every shipment for this service provider.
  4. Find or create an Auto Approve rule Profile.
  5. Find or create a Match Rule Profile.
  6. Select the Copy Invoice Delta to Shipment check box if you want any changes made to an invoice to be copied to a shipment.
  7. Find or create a Match Valid Rule Profile.
  8. Select Allow Tender if you want this service provider to be tendered.
  9. Select an Invoicing Process from the drop-down list.

Service Provider

  1. Find or create a servprov (service provider) alias qualifier.
  2. Enter an alias.
  3. Click Save for each servprov alias you have entered.


The Address section is where you define the specific address information of the location the shipping agent works at.

  1. The Address Lines field contains the street level information for the location's address.
  2. The City field contains the name of the of city that the location is in.
  3. The Province field contains the name of the state/province that the location is in, while the Province Code field contains its abbreviated name. For example, in the United States, you can enter the full state name in the Province field (PENNSYLVANIA) and its abbreviated state name in the Province Code field (PA).
  4. The Postal Code field contains the postal code of the location. In the United Sates, this would be the 5 or 5+ zip code of the location. Oracle Transportation Management will only read the number of digits defined in the Postal Code Length field in the Country Codes screen.
  5. The Country Code is the standard three-letter abbreviation, as defined by ISO 3166 standards, to identify countries.
  6. Select a Time Zone. If you leave the time zone blank, Oracle Transportation Management determines what time zone a location is in and auto-populates it based on the address (country, state/province, city, postal code). You can also select a time zone to ensure that all time restrictions are met. From the Time Zone drop-down menu, first find the region associated with the location you are trying to establish. For example, you know that Atlanta, Georgia is part of America. In this example, America would be your region and Atlanta would be your city. Alternatively, you may select a general time zone instead of a specific city, or leave the Time Zone field blank and allow Oracle Transportation Management to select the time zone automatically when you save the record.

    Note: To use the zone information, the same zone must be assigned in a rate record. If a match is found between a source or destination location and a rate lane (and other factors also match), the rate would qualify for a shipment.

    Note: The difference between a general time zone such as EST and a specific city such as New York is that the New York time zone takes into account daylight savings time. To ensure accuracy, a location's time zone should be set to a nearby city.

  7. Enter a Province.
  8. The Address Valid field will contain an "N," "Y," or "U," and will only appear after the data has been created and saved. If the value is "N," it means the Country Code, City, and Postal Code combination you entered is invalid. Oracle Transportation Management allowed it to be entered anyway because your Postal Code Validate Type is set to Warning. If the value is "Y," it means the Country Code, City, and Postal Code combination is valid. If the value is "U," it means that no validation took place because the validation process was not activated.

    Note: Oracle Transportation Management includes functionality to validate the location data entered based on user-defined Country Code, City, and Postal Code combinations. These combinations are defined in the Postal Code Validate screen. They are validated only if the Validate Postal Code check-box is checked in the Country Codes screen, and the domain for each location has a Postal Code Validate Type set for it in the Domain Manager.

  9. Enter Zones for the address. You can define zones that are specific to a location and used to help qualify rates. For instance, a service provider may offer one rate for transport from the location to any of the southwestern states, and another rate for transport to the northeastern states. For the location, you could define Zone 1 to include all southwestern states. Alternatively, you could define Zone 1 to include specific SPLC (Standard Location Code) codes that may be used for rail transportation.
  10. Enter the Latitude and Longitude for the address.


Use this section to assign one or more Text Templates to the shipping agent.

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