Brokerage and Forwarding

Assign an Agent to a Job

When planning and executing international freight, it is common to have many parties or agents involved in the move. It is also common for a freight forwarder to perform services for a customer that was obtained by a trading partner or external sales agent. Each of these agents receives a commission for the services they have performed on behalf of the freight forwarder. This commission can either be paid as a flat amount or a percentage of the profit made on the sale. As a result, all of these agents are associated with particular transactions. This page is accessed via Brokerage and Forwarding > Job Manager > Job Details. Enter a job ID and then click Refresh, then click Actions > Assign Shipping Agent > Assign an Agent to a Job on the reloaded page.

Agents are modelled as involved parties on a job. The agent roles of Consol Agent, Final Destination Agent, or Sales Agent are set up as involved party qualifiers. Each assignment type compares the job to all the agents with this role and assigns the most compatible agent. A non-freight related charge (NFRC) is created if there is an NFRC Rule on the shipping agent contact.

This action manually assigns an agent to a job. It does this by directly creating an involved party on the job.

  1. Select the appropriate role of the agent from the Agent Role ID list.
  2. Use the Agent Contact ID field to specify the contact information for the agent you are assigning to the job.
  3. Specify the agent to be assigned to the job using the Shipping Agent Contact ID.
  4. Select the preferred way to contact the agent in the Comm Method field.

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