Brokerage and Forwarding

Shipping Agent Contact: Identification

This page is accessed via Brokerage and Forwarding > Shipping Agent Management > Shipping Agent Contacts.

When planning and executing international freight, it is common to have many parties or agents involved in the move. It is also common for a freight forwarder to perform services for a customer that was obtained by a trading partner or external sales agent. Each of these agents receives a commission for the services they have performed on behalf of the freight forwarder. This commission can either be paid as a flat amount or a percentage of the profit made on the sale. As a result, all of these agents will be associated with particular transactions. This page is where you define those agents.

  1. Select or create a Shipping Agent ID.
  2. Enter a Shipping Agent Type ID.


  1. Use the Effective Date and Expiration Date fields to specify the dates that the shipping agent contact is valid.
  2. Indicate whether the shipping agent is Active or not.
  3. Use the Internal field to indicate whether the agent is an internal or an external agent.
  4. Depending on the type of agent you are defining, a location profile is compared with the destination location of the primary leg shipment. Enter that location profile in the Dest Region field. Similarly, a Mode Profile is compared to the transport mode of the primary leg of the shipment.
  5. Indicate whether the shipping agent is the Primary agent for their region.
  6. If you enter a Shipper Profile, then it is compared with the location related to the shipper involved party on the order.
  7. Similarly, if you enter a Consignee Profile, it is compared to the location related to the consignee involved party on the order.

Agent Role

  1. Use the Agent Role ID list to specify the type of agent you are setting up. When setting up agents, pick one of the following: CONSOL_AGENT, FINAL_DESTINATION_AGENT, and SALES_AGENT. This assigns this role as involved party qualifier and is used to match jobs and agents when using the Auto Assign an Agent to a Job action.
  2. Select or enter the appropriate Agent Contact ID to identify their contact information.
  3. The Comm Method field will specify the agent's preferred method of communication.
  4. Select an NFRC Rule from the drop-down list.


  1. You can also associate one or more Notes to the agent for informational purposes.

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