Brokerage and Forwarding

Non-Freight Related Charge Rule

Non-Freight-Related Charge (NFRC) Rules can be configured to automatically assign Non-Freight Related Charges (NFRCs) to a job or quote. The NFRC Rules page is accessed via Brokerage and Forwarding > Job Management > Non Freight Related Charge Rules.

NFRC rules are based on various order release, quote and shipment attributes that are attached to the job or specific criteria on the job itself. When Oracle Transportation Management determines that a charge applies to a given job based on the defined criteria, NFRCs are created and assigned to a job. You can view the resulting NFRCs on the Job Details page.

When Oracle Transportation Management determines that a charge applies to a given quote based on the defined criteria, NFRCs are created and assigned to a quote. You can view the resulting NFRCs on the Quote manager on the Cost Options tab. If added for a quote, sell side NFRCs only apply to sell side but buy side NFRCs apply to both the buy and sell side.

Oracle Transportation Management assigns NFRCs as a result of running the Apply NFRC Rules action from the Job Details page or via a job automation agent that is configured with the Charge-Non Freight Related action.

Note: The start and end times of the generated NFRCs are set to the start time of the primary leg (buy/sell)shipment.

Note: You can also manually create NFRCs for a job on the Job Detail page.

  1. The Charge Rule ID uniquely identifies the rule. This field is not controlled by the Business Number Generator so you must enter a value to successfully add a new rule.
  2. The Charge Rule Type determines the fields that appear as matching criteria (job, order, buy shipment, sell shipment, quote or all) upon which to assign NFRCs as well as data that can be populated on the resulting NFRCs. For example, you can configure a rule to create NFRCs based on order data only, shipment data only, or job attributes. Select ALL to display all of the choices. Note that quotes consider all charge rule types. Selecting Quote restricts the rule so it is only applicable to quotes. Quote charge rules do not display move perspective, job type, or order release type.
  3. In the Perspective field, specify whether the rule should generate a buy charge, sell charge, or both. These charges appear in the Expense and Revenue sections of the Job Detail page depending on your choice in this field.
  4. Select the Calculate Cost check box if you want Oracle Transportation Management to calculate an amount on the resulting NFRCs based on the Rate Record that you can specify in the (Buy/Sell) Charge Information of the page. If you select this check box, specify a Rate Record to calculate the amount of the NFRC.
  5. You must assign an Accessorial Code to the rule as means of identifying a description of the charge. This does not control the amount that is calculated for the charge but it is used to populate the Description field that appears for the charge on the Job Details page for each NFRC with the description of the Accessorial Code.
  6. The Profit Split check box indicates the NFRC shipments created from this NFRC Rule are profit split shipments.

The Criteria sections allow you to configure matching attributes that Oracle Transportation Management will evaluate before it creates NFRCs. In general, Oracle Transportation Management creates charges when at least one match is found after comparing data against multiple objects such as orders or shipments.

The Charge sections allow you to specify data attributes that are assigned to the resulting NFRCs.

Job Criteria

Use the following fields to establish matching criteria based on job attributes. Oracle Transportation Management compares the field values defined on the rule with those entered on the Create/Edit Job page to determine whether to create NFRC charges.



Effective and Expiration Dates

Dates on the rule are compared to the Start Time of the primary leg shipment in the job.

Move Perspective

The selected value on the rule is compared with the corresponding value defined on the job.

Job Type

Is compared in the same way as the Move Perspective (Import/Export) value and can be pre-defined in Power Data.

Job Consolidation Profile

The consolidation types defined in the profile are compared to the Consolidation Type defined on the job. If at least one match is found, the NFRC is created for the job.

Generation Type

This field controls whether the rule is available for use with the two actions for applying NFRCs to a job. These actions can be run from the Job Manager or the Job Details page.

For example, if you select AUTO, then the rule is only active when you run the Automatically Apply NFRC action.

If you choose MANUAL, then the rule is available when you run the Manually Apply NFRC action and is not an available candidate when running the Automatically Apply NFRC action.

If you choose BOTH, then the rule is available to both actions.

Commercial Invoice Value

Sums the total commercial invoice amount for all commercial invoices associated with the job. If the total is greater than the amount specified, the criteria is satisfied and the NFRC will apply.

Required Document Profile ID

Evaluates the set of documents assigned to a job that are included with the usage type of "Letter of Transmittal" (LOT). The child document list of the job's Letter of Transmittal must contain all of the documents specified in the document definitions profile on the NFRC rule.

Involved Party Qualifier

Is compared with Involved Party Qualifiers defined on the job.

Location Profile

Locations in the profile are compared with Involved Party Contact locations defined on the job.

Job Involved Party Criteria

  1. Enter an Involved Party Qualifier.
  2. Enter a Location Profile.
  3. Click Save for each involved party and location profile combination you enter.

Order Release Criteria



Order Origin Region

Is compared with the order source locations of all orders in a job.

Order Destination Region

Is compared with the order destination locations of all orders in a job.

Order Type

Is compared with the order release types of all orders in a job.

Total Max and Min Weight

Is compared with the summed total weight of all orders in a job.

Total Max and Min Volume

Is compared with the summed total volume of all orders in a job.

Transport Handling Unit

Is compared with Transport Handling Units (ship unit specs) for all orders in a job.

Incoterm Profile ID

Evaluates a profile of Incoterms against the final Incoterm on the first commercial invoice applied to the order release. If no commercial invoice exists, then the final Incoterm on the order release will be evaluated. If at least one order release on a job has an Incoterm that is compatible with the Incoterm Profile defined, then the criteria will be satisfied and the NFRC will apply.

Commercial Invoice Payment Terms Profile

Evaluates a profile of payment terms against the payment method code on the first commercial invoice applied to the order release or if no commercial invoice exists, the payment method code on the order release itself. If at least one order release on a job has a payment method code that is compatible with the payment method profile defined in the criteria, the criteria will be satisfied and the NFRC will apply.

Customer Domain Profile ID

Compares the specified customer domain profile to the domain of each order release on the job. If at least one order release domain appears in the profile, the criteria will be satisfied and the NFRC will apply.

Packaged Item Profile ID

Compares the packaged item IDs provided in the Packaged Item Profile against the set of order release packaged item IDs associated with a job. If at least one packaged item ID matches the specified packaged item IDs in the Packaged Item Profile, the criteria will be satisfied and the NFRC will apply.

Involved Party Qualifier

Is compared with Involved Party Qualifiers of all orders on the job.

Location Profile

Locations in the profile are compared with Involved Party Contact locations on all orders defined on the job.

This could be used to model shipper and consignee related charges.

Shipment Criteria (Buy/Sell)



Mode Profile

Is compared with the primary leg shipment transportation modes.

Service Provider Profile

Is compared with the primary leg shipment service providers.

Shipment Unit Spec Profile ID

Compares all the ship units assigned to the primary buy/sell shipment(s) on the job. If any ship unit on the primary buy/sell shipment matches any of the ship units in the assigned Ship Unit Spec Profile, the criteria will be satisfied and the NFRC will apply.

Payment Method Profile ID

Compares the payment method codes specified in the assigned Payment Method Profile to the primary buy/sell shipments on the job. If any shipment cost has a payment method code which matches any payment method code in the profile, the criteria will be satisfied and the NFRC will apply.

Location Profile

Is compared with all shipment stop locations for all primary leg shipments in a job.

Port of Load Location Profile

Is compared with the port of load on the primary leg shipments.

Port of Discharge Location Profile

Is compared with the port of discharge on the primary leg buy shipments.

Buy/Sell Is Hazardous

Compares the buy/sell shipment hazardous item status specified on the criteria (Hazardous = True) to the primary buy/sell shipment on the job. If the primary buy/sell shipment Hazardous check box matches the specified criteria value, the criteria will be satisfied and the NFRC will apply.

Involved Party Qualifier

Is compared with Involved Party Qualifiers of all shipments on the job.

Location Profile

Locations in the profile are compared with Involved Party Contact locations on all shipments defined on the job.

Charge Information (Buy/Sell)

The following data is copied to the resulting expense or revenue NFRC (depending on whether its Buy or Sell data) on the job, if specified.

  • Rate Record that is used to calculate the amount of the NFRC if the rate uses the NON-GEOGRAPHY Rate Offering type and is configured with rate basis options that are available for this rate offering type. If you leave the Rate Record field blank, no amount will be calculated for the charge (when the Calculate Cost check box is marked).
  • Payment Method Code is copied to each cost record that is created on the NFRC. This field can also be configured to appear on the Job Details page.
  • Service Provider ID
  • General Ledger Code is copied to each cost record that is created on the NFRC. This field can also be configured to appear on the Job Details page.
  • Involved Party contacts/locations, qualifiers, and communication methods.

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