Brokerage and Forwarding

Payment Method Profiles

This page is accessed via Brokerage and Forwarding > Power Data > General > Payment Method Profiles.

Payment Method Profiles allow you to group payment methods.

You can use Payment Method Profiles when defining Non-Freight Related Charge (NFRC) Rules. For NFRC rules, the specified payment method profile is compared to the shipment payment methods. If a shipment contains a compatible payment method, the criteria is satisfied and the rule applied.

Adding a Payment Method Profile

  1. Enter a Payment Method Profile ID.
  2. Enter a Description of the payment method profile.
  3. The Compatible check box signifies whether the list is inclusive or exclusive. If the check box is selected, then the list is a list of GIDs that are compatible with whatever you are testing against i.e., NFRC rules. If the check box is not selected, then the list is a list of GIDs that are NOT compatible with whatever you are testing. In this case, everything is considered compatible.
  4. Enter a Payment Method Code ID. Click Save.
  5. Enter as many payment method codes as necessary. Click Save for every payment method code you select.
  6. Click Finished.

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