Brokerage and Forwarding

Quote Cost Options

The Quote Cost Options tab contains a list of all the possible cost options saved with the quote during the Quote Find Shipping Options step. This page is accessed via the Quote Manager.

This tab provides you with the ability to edit and delete cost options. You can also add cost options to the list.

The options are listed from the least expensive to the most expensive. The list may include options that do not meet the requested service time. You may want to consider them if the cost is cheaper and your customer's service time requirements are flexible.

  • Options that do meet the service time requirements are identified with the hour-glass icon Meets Service Time.
  • Options that do not meet the service time requirements are identified with the red-x hour-glass icon Will not meet Service Time.

The list of options are grouped by Equipment and Primary Service Provider. Below this, each shipping option is identified by the Expand icon. Clicking this icon shows more detailed information.

Each option has a "Buy" and "Sell" section for shipping details. Each section includes a summary. In addition, you can expand the section to see the shipping details for each perspective.

The detailed information for each option includes everything outlined in the table below. Some of the data on the page are links. If you click on a link, detailed information about that particular piece of data opens. Examples of such links are service provider, origin, and destination.

If no leg is marked as 'Primary', the first leg of an itinerary is treated as the primary leg. This is only for the quote cost option.

Header Details

  • Option Number: Each possible cost option is assigned an Option Number.
  • Total Transport Cost (Buy/Sell): The total cost of the shipment split between the buy side and the sell side.
  • Total Non Trans Cost (Buy/Sell): The total non-transportation cost of the shipment split between the buy side and the sell side.
  • Primary Service Provider (Buy/Sell): The service provider of the master leg for the buy side and the sell side.
  • Primary Mode (Buy/Sell): The transport mode of the master leg for the buy side and the sell side.
  • Transit Time (Buy/Sell): The total transit time for the buy side and the sell side.
  • Num Shipments: The total number of shipments.
  • Equipment: The equipment the shipment is being transported on.

Buy/Sell Shipping Detail

  • Service Provider: The service provider of each leg of the shipment.
  • Origin: The origin location.
  • Via Source: The VIA source location. These represent interim shipping locations identified in the Itinerary Manager and the Rate Manager. Via Source locations are generated as shipment stops only when an Arbitrary Rate is used.
  • Via Destination: The VIA destination location. These represent interim shipping locations identified in the Itinerary Manager and the Rate Manager. Via Destination locations are generated as shipment stops only when an Arbitrary Rate is used.
  • Destination: The destination location.
  • Mode: The transport mode for this particular service provider.
  • Total Transit Time: The total transit time for this particular service provider.
  • Cost: The total cost for this particular service provider.
  • Rate Record: The specific rate record used.

Non-Freight Related Charges

  • Service Provider: The service providers of the service that is being charged.
  • Charge Rule: A method of automatically applying charges.
  • Payment Method Code: Specify the manner in which payment is to be made.
  • Accessorial Codes: Indicates additional charges that apply.
  • Rate Record: The specific rate record used.
  • Cost: The amount to be charged.

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