Brokerage and Forwarding

Job Actions and SmartLinks

This page is accessed via Brokerage and Forwarding > Job Management > Job Details > Actions.



Add Order Movements to Job


Add Orders to Job


Assign Agent Responsibilities

Auto Assign

Manual Assign

Assign Shipping Agent

Assign an Agent to a Job

Auto Assign an Agent to a Job

Audit Trail


Create Commercial Invoice



Attach Documents

Generate Document

Limited Documents

Upload Document

Non-Freight Related Charge Rules

Automatically Apply NFRC Rules

Manually Apply NFRC Rules

Remove Order Movements from Job


Remove Orders from Job


Remove Shipping Agent



Custom Reports

Various Public Reports


Bill Adjusted Costs

Delete All Bills

Generate Bill

Shipping Agent Notification



Change External Status

Mark for Purge

Send Interface Transmission

Set Exchange Rate

Set Image



From the Job Manager results page, right-click on any ID to launch the following SmartLinks.




Documents results page showing documents  that are associated with this job.

Full Audit

Audit Trail displaying all changes that were made to the job.

Job Details

Job Details page for the selected job.

View Related Bills

Bill results page listing bills associated with the job.

View Related Commercial Invoices

Commercial Invoice results page listing all commercial invoices created for order lines that are linked to this job.

View Related Consols

Consols results page listing consols associated with the job.

View Related Order Releases

Order Release results page listing order releases associated with the job.

View Shipping Agent Responsibilities

Displays the details of the shipping agent contact.


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