Configuration and Administration

Search Results

You can use Results pages to perform the following tasks (depending on the business object):

  • Review the list of resulting records.
  • Edit one or more records on the results page or navigate to the manager for the record to make edits.
  • Display an on-screen report of one or more objects/records.
  • Delete one or more records.
  • Execute a new query or saved query.
  • Perform Actions for one or more business objects.
  • Access SmartLinks for a business object.
  • Mark a record as a favorite
  • Display the Tree control.

Results pages appear after you perform a search. They display the records that result from the selection and sort criteria that you define for the query as well as specific data columns depending on the area in which you are working. Some business objects provide an additional Tree display of resulting records in the form of a hierarchical view.

The top of the Results page displays the area in which you are working; for example, Order Base Manager, Location Manager, and so on.

The following icons appear on each Results page regardless of the area in which you are working.

  • Actions drop-down list (provided Actions exist for that business object. If a business object only has one action associated to it, the action name replaces the generic action drop-down list and allows you to directly run the action from the page.)
  • New icon New
  • View icon View
  • Edit icon Edit
  • Delete icon Delete

Note: Also, you can select all records by clicking the Selected column heading.

The Total Found counter lists the number of records that resulted from your search. The default record limit for display is 1,000. This limit can be configured by your system administrator using the glog.webserver.finder.limit property on the server. To have Oracle Transportation Management show all the records available, set the glog.webserver.finderresults.showquerycount property to true.

Records # of #

The Records X of Y counter lists the number of records that resulted from your search:

  • X is the number of records that are displayed after a search and the number of additional records that are displayed when you click the More link. You can configure this number using the glog.webserver.finder.page_size property.
  • Y is the maximum number of records returned from a search. Click the All link to see all records returned for the query. You can configure this number using the glog.webserver.finder.limit property.
  • Selected: displays the number of records selected.

Note: If a record is added as DBA.ADMIN with data for different domains, this numbering may be incorrect.

Configure Results

The title bar shows the column headings. There is no vertical scroll so it is always visible even as you scroll down a page. The columns that display are configurable by setting the following property: glog.webserver.finder.results.configurable. In addition to this property, you must have domain write rights for this option to be available. If available, you click the Configure Results icon (Configure Results icon) above the title bar. The Configure Results page appears.

You can also save changes such as column width using the Save Configuration icon. This only displays if you have access to make changes to the current screen set. If you do, the icon displays but is disabled Save Configuration disabled. It is disabled until a change is made to a column width, then it is enabled Save Configuration enabled.

Some columns are sortable. To sort a column, click on a column header to sort the results by that column. The first click on a column header sorts the results in ascending order. The next click sorts in descending order. Each subsequent click reverses the sorting order. Using the column headers overrides any sorting order selected as part of the original query. All sorting is across the entire result set for the query performed and not just the results displayed on the screen.

The ID column is the first column. It is a non-scrolling column so as you scroll across the page, that column stays visible. You can resize the column by clicking and dragging the vertical line, in the title row after the ID field. This is not a permanent change. To make the change permanent, define the width in the Screen Set Manager - Results tab. You can make additional columns non-scrolling via the Screen Set Manager - Results tab. The scroll bar does not display beneath non-scrolling columns.

Note: If the values in a data column are longer than the width of the column, you can mouse over the value to display the complete value.

For each record you select, Oracle Transportation Management highlights its entire row. In most cases, you can select as many records as you want. For example, you can view, edit, or delete multiple business objects. However, some Actions require that only one business object is selected.


Also, depending on your configuration, you can configure a total to display at the bottom of the Results table or a Workbench table. You can total columns such as weight and volume. If this is configured, the Total row is displayed. The total is populated once you select rows.

Note: For Duration fields the total is in hours only.

Inline Editing

Inline Editing allows you to edit records on the results page without additional navigation. There are several icons that may appear depending on your configuration.

The first two icons are Save All Changes and Undo All Changes. Fields can be modified on the search results page, if you have defined them to be editable on the Screen Set manager - Results tab. If a field is editable, a small pop-up window opens when you double click the field. Type in the new value and select OK to insert the new value. Select the Save All Changes icon (Save All Changes enabled) to save the value to the database. This icon is inactive, Save All Changes disabled, until you edit a field. If you want to revert your changes, click the Undo All Changes icon, Undo All Changes enabled. This icon is inactive, Undo All Changes disabled, until you have changed a field. Note that the values cannot be reverted once the data has been saved. You must click Undo All Changes before saving the new values.

For keyboard only users

Use the Tab and arrow keys to navigate to an editable field. Once focus is on an editable field a edit icon icon (Edit) appears to the right of the field. Press Enter to open the Inline Edit pop-up and make your changes as discussed in the Inline Editing section of the Search Results help topic.


Note: Not all Finders are compatible with Inline Editing functionality. For example, you cannot edit fields on any SERPROV table using the inline editing functionality. Also, FlexPickList and FlexDropList functionalities were not added to inline editing on search results.

Note: Only fields that are on the header record and configured to be editable can be edited.

Inline editing works in 4 steps:

  1. Check if an Event Reason is needed - If so, primary keys are stored while continuing to step 2; otherwise, continue to step 4.
  2. Input Event Reason - The Event Reason screen opens if an event reason is needed. Click OK and continue to step 3. If you click Cancel, changes will be cancelled and you will return to the Results page.
  3. Save the Event Reason data - Information from step 2 is saved internally to be used when saving rows.
  4. Save changes.

    Note: The Save dialog box is not shown when using mass update in a Workbench.

    A Save dialog box is displayed with the list of rows to be saved. Each row is saved individually. As each row is saved, the object is locked. Once saved, the object is unlocked. The rows in this table can look as follows:

    • Bold Text: Record is being saved.
    • Green Text and Saved icon icon: Record saved successfully.
    • Red text with Expand icon and Error icon icon: There is an error. Click the Expand icon for details on the error.
    • Text crossed out and Cancelled icon icon: The record was skipped because the Cancel button was selected.

    The Cancel button stops processing and any rows after the current row will not be processed. Records that were not processed are indicated by the text being crossed out and the Cancelled icon. The Cancel button is disabled once clicked or when all rows have been processed.

    The Close button is enabled once all rows have been processed.

Mass Update

You can change the values for several fields at once to one value. To do this, select the check box for each row to be changed. Then click the Mass Update icon, Mass Update enabled. The Mass Update page opens. This icon is inactive, Mass Update disabled, until you select at least one check box/row for editing.

Note: Not all Finders are compatible with Mass Update functionality. For example, you cannot edit fields on any SERPROV table using the mass update functionality.

Note: The Mass Update icon is not available on the Finder results page for the following: User Manager, User Role, Access Control List, Login History, and Account Policy.

Note: Only fields that are on the header record and configured to be editable can be edited.


The Print icon (Print icon) provides a way of printing what is on the results page without exporting. Printing from here prints everything on the page. Columns print in the order they appear. You can hide a column by double clicking it, but you cannot bring it back without rerunning your query. Your browser will determine column widths.

How the page prints depends a lot on your browser settings. You can use the browser to change the scale of the page or to print in landscape. Browsers will not print background colors or images unless specified. The print version may not match the screen version perfectly. Print Preview may not be totally accurate either.

Search Criteria

The Search Criteria icon (Search Criteria icon) only displays if you entered criteria to search for. If clicked, the Search Criteria pop up window opens and shows the search criteria used.

Query Options

At the top of Results page is a Rerun Query icon (rerun query icon). Clicking Rerun Query runs your query again. This may retain what was selected in the results of the previous query, depending on how your Logic Configuration - UI Configuration is set.

The following query options appear at the bottom of the Results page. These can be configured by screen sets:

  • New Query displays a blank Search page so you can perform a different query if the records that resulted from the original query are not what you want.
  • Refine Query displays the Search page with your original query field values that you can change to refine the search.
  • Export (to Microsoft Excel) displays selected records in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The total number of records selected or all records appears first as a result of the search criteria entered. Click All to export all records returned by the search criteria. Or, click Selected to export only the selected records.

    You can then open the file in Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheet is a .xls file and if you have a later version of Microsoft Excel, you will see a warning message when opening the document. In the resulting spreadsheet, the column headings are the same as those that would appear on the Results page (as defined in the active screen set) if you performed a standard search.
  • Saved Query displays the current Saved Query that was executed. It also provides list of the existing saved queries for the business object. You can select any saved query from the list and click Execute.
  • Execute Query runs the saved query currently displayed in the list box. You can also select a saved query first from the list box.

You can hide the query options via the Result Query Line State user preference. If you hide the query options, you see the Toggle Query Line icon ( toggle query line icon ). Click this icon to toggle the query options between hidden and visible.

Display Options

The Results page provides options for viewing and editing records and performing actions. When you select one of these tasks, you have the following display options that you can select from the list in the upper right corner of the page. Select one of these options before you perform a task.

  • Replace Current Window: Overwrites the current window/frame. If this option is selected, a hierarchical list, known as bread crumbs, of the pages you navigate through appear at the top. Use these bread crumbs to navigate back to earlier visited pages instead of using the Back button in your browser. If you click through a high number of pages, the links to the older pages may be removed.
  • Always Open in Same Window: This options assumes there is one other window that will always be the target window. If that window is currently open, replace the content of that window with what you click. If the target window is not open, open a window with the new content.
  • Always Open in New Window: always opens a new window.
You can configure the default option that you want in User Preferences and use the display options on the Results page as a temporary override to the preference setting.

New Business Object

Click New icon (New) to create a business object and display the first data-entry page for an object that you want to create.

View Business Object

Click view icon (View) to display a summary page for the selected business object.

Note: If you selected multiple records, you can scroll through each one using the Next and Previous buttons.

Edit Business Object

Click edit icon (Edit) to display the original data entry pages for selected business object. If you selected multiple records to edit, the top of the page displays the total number of records you selected as well as the record you are currently editing, for example, 1 of 4 indicating you are editing the first of four records selected. Click the Next button to proceed to the next record. Use the Previous button to display the previous record.

Always click the Finished button at the top of any page to save changes for all records that you have edited.

Note: Some page sections have Save buttons that save the data just for that section (or grid). However, always use the Finished button to save all of your modifications to the database.

Editing Power Data Details

You can edit information that displays in the detail tables in some Power Data options.

  1. To the right of the row you want to edit, click Edit.
  2. Change values in fields that display.
  3. Click Save.

Note: If the edit button does not display to the right of a table row, you cannot edit it.

Deleting Business Objects

Click Delete icon (Delete) to delete the selected business object. You can only delete records if they are not being used by some other data element. For example, if you create an Order Type in Power Data and assign it to an order, it cannot be deleted until you remove it from the order. In addition, you cannot delete records from the Public domain. Refer to the following delete rules for each business object.

Order Base

Deleting an order base permanently removes it from the database. Order releases created from the order base are also deleted if they are not planned on shipments. An order base cannot be deleted if it has at least one order release that is planned on a shipment.

Order Release

Deleting an order release permanently removes it from the database. However, an order release cannot be deleted if a shipment has been created. You must first unassign an order release from an existing shipment before it can be deleted.

Buy/Sell Shipment

Deleting a shipment permanently removes it from the database. However, you cannot delete a shipment if it is enroute. If you delete a shipment, the orders are unassigned and you must reassign them to new shipments.

Do not use the delete button to delete multi-leg shipments and/or planned shipments. Instead, either use the unassign action on the order release or use the action Delete Multiple Shipments after selecting all related shipments.

Shipment Group

Deleting a shipment group permanently removes it from the database but does not delete the shipments assigned to the group. Secondary group charge records also remain in the database.

Screen Set

You cannot delete a Screen Set if access to it has been configured using the Access Manager.

Milestone Template

If a milestone template has a milestone monitor that was created from it, the template cannot be deleted. You would need to remove all profiles associated with the template first; then you can delete the template.

Deleting Power Data Details

You can delete information from the detail tables that display in some Power Data topics by clicking the Delete button to the right of the row in the table you want.

Payment Invoice

Multiple invoices can be deleted by selecting multiple check boxes. Invoices that have been issued vouchers cannot be deleted.


Only one bill can be deleted at a time. If you select multiple bills and click delete results, you will receive an error message.

Rate Offering

Deleting a rate offering permanently removes it from the database. However, you cannot delete a rate offering if it has rate records associated with it. In other words, if there are rate records attached to the rate offering, the offering cannot be deleted. You must reassign or delete all the associated rate records first and then delete the rate offering.

Rate Record

Deleting a rate record permanently removes it from the database.


Deleting an item permanently removes it from the database. However, you cannot delete an item if it is assigned to an existing order base or release until you remove it from the order.

Capacity Limit

Deleting a capacity limit permanently removes it from the database. However, if you delete a capacity usage ID that is part of a capacity limit assigned to a shipment, then the shipment will fail to build for capacity reasons.

Capacity Commitment

Deleting capacity commitment information will not adversely affect capacity manager functionality as part of shipment optimization. However, capacity commitment reports are generated from this information, and you will not be able to run these reports if you delete this information. Also, capacity commitments are stated measurements for the service provider, and if this information is deleted, there will be no way to know whether the service provider is maintaining capacity based on what is actually being used (capacity limit) versus what is stated to be available (capacity commitment).


Deleting a job does not delete the actual order releases or buy/sell shipments that are associated with the order releases. It only removes the references to these objects so the job can be deleted from the database. However, deleting a job does delete any non-freight related charges referenced on the job from the database.

Note: You cannot delete a job if it has at least one customer bill with a status value of BILL_ISSUED_ISSUED.


Actions allow you to perform a system task for most Oracle Transportation Management business objects. For example, you can use the Create Buy Shipment - Direct action for an order release to build a new buy shipment. Most business objects provide one or more business actions.

An Actions drop-down list or button appears on the Results page and the data entry pages for each business object manager. If you perform an action while editing a business object, you are prompted to save your data before you continue. If you click OK in response to the message prompt, the data is not saved and the actions menu appears. If you click Cancel in response to the message prompt, you can save the data first and proceed with the action.

Note: If a business object only has one action associated to it, the action name replaces the generic action button and allows you to run the action directly from the page.

Some actions are in groups. The group has an Expand icon next to it. Click the icon to display the actions in the group.

The Actions menu for any business object can be configured and completely removed using the Screen Set Manager.

Some business objects allow you to select multiple objects at once to run the action against. Depending on the action selected, the action is either performed on all the business objects at once or it will process one business object at a time and will run against each object sequentially. In this case, there is a counter to show how many objects have been processed and how many remain. It saves each one as it is processed. There is also a Next button at the bottom of the page. You must click Next to process the next action.

Note: If there is an error and an action cannot be completed against an object, the action will not run against the remaining objects.


SmartLinks are navigation aides that work with most Oracle Transportation Management business objects. Right-click on a specific line to display the list of SmartLinks for that business object. When you select a SmartLink, Oracle Transportation Management displays the appropriate Results page for the SmartLink that you launched. The Results page contains data that is related to the original business object that you selected. For example, if you select the Financial Overview SmartLink for an order base, Oracle Transportation Management displays the Financial Results page with the financial data for that order base.

The SmartLinks menu for any business object can be configured, rearranged and completely removed using the Content Manager.

The following SmartLinks are global and always appear for business objects that support SmartLinks:

  • Edit displays the first edit page for the business object.
  • View displays a printable report of the business object.
  • Export allows you to export the data.


Click on a star in the Favorites column to add/remove that record as a user favorite. You can hide this column using the Favorites Column option on the screen set.

A yellow star (Indicates record is a favorite) indicates the record is a favorite. A gray star indicates the record is not a favorite.

Adding a Favorite

  • Click the Add to Favorites icon (Add to Favorites) to add that record as a user favorite.

Deleting a Favorite

  • Click the Remove from Favorites icon (Remove from Favorites) to remove that record from user favorites.

Tree Control

The Results page for some business objects can display a Tree Control showing related data in a folder format.

Select + next to any record to display sub folders beneath it. For example, a parent Order Release displays Order Base, Bill, Buy & Sell Shipment, Itinerary, and Rate Record sub folders with related records, if they exist. Depending on the business object, each sub folder can display additional folders and related records. See the Accessibility Features Guide for details on how to access this functionality with the keyboard only.

You can select any parent or related record in the hierarchy and run Actions, initiate SmartLinks, and edit (click the object link) or delete the record. If you select a related record in a sub folder by clicking the + to the left of the record, any or all of the following icons may appear:

  • SmartLink icon  displays the SmartLinks menu.
  • Actions menu icon  displays the Actions menu.
  • Delete icon deletes the record if no related records exist that would prevent the deletion.

You can configure which folders appear in the Tree Control and their display attributes by editing the appropriate Screen Set in the Screen Set Manager.

Configure Results Page

You can configure the following attributes of each Results page associated with a business object or Power Data.

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