Configuration and Administration

Screen Set Manager: General

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Screen Set Manager. This is on the General tab.

Use this page to optionally change the standard configuration of control buttons, saved query controls, and the default display sequence of the Search and Results pages.

Control Buttons


Deselect or select the check box in the Show column to hide or show the New, Edit, View, and Delete icons/buttons that typically appear on the Search (New button only) and Results pages.

User-defined XSL Servlet

You can also change the default XSL servlet that is used to perform these functions. Contact your Oracle Transportation Management consultant for more information on this feature.

Note: If you are creating a screen set from scratch (not copying an existing public screen set), you must enter servlets for the Edit, View, and Delete controls. You can use the standard servlets provided or you can supply your own servlets. If you want to use the standard Oracle Transportation Management servlets, you should edit a public screen set of the same business object (Query ID) for which you are creating a new screen set and copy the servlet entries into the appropriate fields on the new screen set.

Manager Layout ID

If you want a user-defined manager layout associated with your screen set instead of having a servlet, select from the Manager Layout ID list. User-defined manager layouts can be used when you are editing, creating (new), or viewing information on certain Oracle Transportation Management managers. To access via a menu, you must create a user-defined menu and assign it to a user. You can specify an edit or view manager layout which can then be used in a workbench layout.

To have the option of selecting a manager layout (either new, edit, or view), create a manager layout and then select it in the Manager Layout ID list on this page.

Note: You must enter either a Servlet link or a Manager Layout ID if they enable a button on the search general tab.

Favorites Column

Use the Favorites Column option to control if the favorites column displays in the finder results pages. To hide the favorites column clear this check box.

Favorites Criteria

Use the Favorites Criteria option to control if the Favorites Criteria options appear on the finder page. This option is selected by default. To hide the Favorites Criteria option on the search page clear this check box.

Display Tree View

The Order Base, Order Release, and Buy Shipment Results pages provide a Tree display for viewing related object details. You can use the Display Tree View check box to control the display of the Tree. However, this check box only appears if you create a copy of the public screen set for these business objects. Also, once the tree is deactivated, it cannot be turned on again.

Saved Query Option

The Saved Query check box controls whether the Saved Query drop-down list, Execute button, Edit button, and Save button appear at the bottom of each Search and Results page. You can hide the Saved Query drop-down list and the three buttons by clearing this check box.


If you deselect this check box, the Saved Search drop-down list on the workbench table will be read only.

Allow Edit Saved Query

Deselect the Allow Edit Saved Query check box to hide the Edit button that appears next to the Saved Query drop-down list at the bottom the each Finder and Finder Results page. This option is selected by default which means the Edit button is displayed.

Results First (Display Results Page First)

Oracle Transportation Management displays a Search page after you choose most menu links. For example, if you choose Order Base from the Order Manager menu, Oracle Transportation Management displays the Order Base Search page so you can perform a query and display the matching records on the Results page. Using the Results First check box, you can reverse the display of these pages and have the Results page appear first. Oracle Transportation Management displays all records, up to the record limit defined by the glog.webserver.finder.limit property.

Note: You can also configure the number of rows that appear on Results pages in User Preferences.


Use the Hint section to call SQL Hints used to control optimization.

Hint precedence is based on finder set, then query, then global. If a hint is prefixed by !, it removes a hint defined at a lesser precedence. For example, assume that you have the following properties:

glog.query.hint.all=aardvark bear

glog.query.hint.glog.server.query.shipment.ShipmentQuery=cat dog !bear

and a Shipment finder set with hints:



The resulting hints will be: aardvark cat elephant.

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