Configuration and Administration

Screen Set Manager: Identification

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Screen Set Manager.

A screen set defines how the search and search results pages look, similar to the way that a manager layout configures the create/edit/view pages of a manager. User-defined screen sets can be added to the general user interface by creating a user-defined menu. You can use the Screen Set Manager to perform the following tasks:

  • Create, edit, or copy a screen set

Note: Some screen sets should not be copied. These include: gl_user, user_role, data_source, p_bid, p_bid_servprov, planner_tender_collab, servprov_tender_collab, invoice, and shipment. If you want to copy invoice or shipment, use the more specific screen sets, such as invoice_invoice, invoice_bill, buy_shipment, or sell_shipment.

  • Configure the tabs and fields on the Search page for a business object
  • Define default criteria for search fields
  • Configure the Actions menu
  • Configure the SmartLinks menu
  • Configure the Results page columns
  • Configure the Results page tree control
  • Modify the standard configuration of control buttons, manager layouts, saved query controls, tree control, and the default display sequence of the Search and Results pages

Use this page to uniquely identify a screen set and to determine the business object for which this screen set applies.

  1. Enter a unique Screen Set ID. This ID cannot be changed after you save the screen set.
  2. Choose the Domain Name in which you want to store the new screen set. The domains that appear in the list are those to which you have write access.
  3. Enter a Label ID for the screen set. The Label ID controls the label that appears in the upper left corner of the Results page before the Total Found field. Oracle Transportation Management provides a default Label ID that is mapped to the appropriate Query ID. Each Label ID has a default label as well.

    For example, one of the public Label IDs for order base displays the standard label.
  4. Enter a Query ID. The Query ID field determines the business object to which this screen set definition applies. Each business object (including power data) has a unique query ID. For example, OB_ORDER_BASE represents an order base. Therefore, if you choose this query ID you are defining a screen set for the Order Base Search and Results pages.

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