Configuration and Administration

Domain Grants

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Domain Management > Domain Grants.

In Oracle Transportation Management, data and users are specific to particular domains. However, there may be situations in which users in one domain need to have access to all or selected table sets of data in other domains and subdomains.

The Domain Grants function enables users with ADMIN privileges to grant and revoke read-only or read/write access to table sets across domains. By default, domains have read/write access to their subdomains, but subdomains do not have access to their parent domains unless it is granted to them.

Note: Only users with "DBA.ADMIN" or "ADMIN" user roles have rights to create/update user role grants.

Note: Access between domains can be granted automatically using the Auto Grantee and Auto Grantor Managers.

Even more precise access to data, across and within domains, can be controlled using the VPD Manager.

Domain Grants Made To

Revoking Grants:

  1. To revoke a domain grant, select its check box in the Domain Grants Made To box.
  2. Click Revoke Grants.

Make New Grants

The top of the Domain Grants page lists the grants already received from and made to various domains. The Current Domain is the domain from which new grants are made (that is, whose table sets are made accessible to users of other domains).

If DomainA is granted to DomainB with Include Grantor Subdomain selected, then DomainB has access to DomainA and all of it's subdomains. There is currently no way for DomainA to grant access to DomainB and all of DomainB's subdomains in one step. They must be granted individually.

  1. In the Permission field, select Read (read-only) or Read & Write (read/write) permission from the list.
  2. In the Domain Name field, enter the name of the domain to which you want to make the grant (that is, whose users you want to have access to the selected table sets of the current domain).

    To grant access to users of its subdomains, select the Include Grantor Subdomains check box.
  3. Select one of more Table Sets from the current domain.

    To grant access to all the table sets in the current domain, select ALL_TS.
  4. Click Confirm.

The new domain grant settings are listed at the top of the page.

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