Configuration and Administration

About VPD Profiles

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > VPD Profile.

The VPD Manager enables administrators to use the Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) feature to view, modify, and create VPD Profiles. Only users with ADMIN user level privileges can access the VPD Manager.

VPD works by adding a WHERE clause to every table in a SQL statement. VPD does not provide functional security; rather, it controls user access to data. For functional security, use the Function Groups option and Menu Manager.

The property can impact VPD results.

A VPD profile is a set of virtual private database rules. Virtual private databases provide fine-tuned access control to users across or within domains.

A number of preset VPD profiles can be selected and new profiles can be created for client-specific access control.

Note: Only users with ADMIN user level privileges can access the VPD Manager. In addition, creating or editing VPD profiles requires a working knowledge of Oracle databases. For assistance, contact Technical Support.

Note: To exclude a query from being cached for UI drop-down lists, add the glog property glog.droplistcache.exclude and the value of the full java class name that runs the query. For example, to exclude Shipment Refnum Qualifiers from the cache, set the property to: glog.droplistcache.exclude=glog.server.query.powerdata.ShipmentRefnumQualQuery

Select Profile

To use an existing VPD profile, select it from the drop-down list. The preset VPD profiles are:

  • DATAENTRY: Limits a user to only updating those records which the user created. This, in effect, creates a personalized database for a user limited to the records they have created.
  • DBA: Provides full access to Oracle Transportation Management schema tables.
  • DEFAULT: Provides access to the entire domain, public data, and any other data to which they have been granted access.
  • DOCUMENT_REVIEW: Limits the user's access to business objects and documents. Such a user can only query and respond to documents on which he is a reviewer.
  • DRIVER: Limits access to only those shipments in which the user is associated with the driver.
  • FTI_DEFAULT: OTM users that will access Transportation Intelligence (TI) should have this profile rather than DEFAULT. Do not use the default profile to access TI. TI service providers should use the profile SERVPROV. Use this profile to access the Logistics Network Modeling Intelligence and Logistics Machine Learning subject areas.
  • GTI_DEFAULT: GTM users that will access GTI should have this profile rather than DEFAULT. Do not use the default profile to access GTI.
  • INVOLVED_PARTY_DOMAIN_VIS: Limits access to only those order bases in a domain in which the user is an involved party.*
  • INVOLVED_PARTY_USER_VIS: Limits access to only those order bases, order releases and shipments in which the user is an involved party.*
  • SERVPROV: Limits access to only those shipments for which the user is associated with the service provider.

*The INVOLVED_PARTY external predicates do nothing when the user's domain is the same as the domain on the order or shipment.

New or Edit Profile

  1. To create a new VPD profile, click New.
  2. To edit an existing VPD profile, select a profile from the drop-down list, and click Edit.

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