Configuration and Administration

Manage Association

This page is accessed via Security Services > User Manager > Manage Association.

Note: You must be the Service Provider Admin User to access this page.

The Manage Association page enables the administrator of the SERVPROV domain to create associations between users and service providers so that those users can perform online booking and tendering. One user can be associated with many service providers, and many users can be associated with the same service provider.

Once a user-to-service provider association is created and a shipment is tendered, that service provider receives notification of the tender by email or fax, depending on the communication methods defined for the service provider. The email summarizes the details of the shipment and provides a URL link to the shipment.

The service provider can respond to the tender by clicking the link and logging in using the user name and password as defined by the user-to-service provider association. Once the service provider logs in, the shipment details are presented and the tender offer can be accepted or rejected.

Note:  You cannot create or manage user-to-driver associations with this page. To create user-to-driver associations for use with the Oracle Transportation Mobile Web Application, see User Association.

Adding Associations

  1. Log into the SERVPROV domain as the domain administrator. The default user name is Service Provider Admin User.
  2. Open the Manage Association page by clicking Security Services > User Manager > Manage Association.

    Previously defined user-to-service provider associations are listed.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the Manage Associations page, and enter a user name, including the SERVPROV prefix (for example, SERVPROV.USER1).
  4. Select an Association Qualifier of either  "Service Provider",  "Dispatch Location" or "Supplier". Select dispatch location  to associate this user with a regional dispatch office.
  5. Do one of the following:

    If you selected "Service Provider", enter the appropriate Service Provider ID in the Association Value (Service Provider ID) field.
    lf you selected "Dispatch Location", enter the appropriate Service Provider ID and Location ID in the appropriate Association Value fields.
    If you selected "Supplier", enter the appropriate Supplier ID in the Association Value (Supplier ID) field.
  6. Click Add.

Repeat this process if you want to make additional user-to-server provider associations.

Adding Additional Associations for a User:

To add more service provider associations for a user:

  1. From the Manage Associations page, click Retrieve to ensure that you are viewing a complete list of users and their current associations.
  2. Select the user name for which you want to create a new association.
  3. At the Association Value field, click Clear.
  4. Enter another Service Provider ID.
  5. Click Add.

Removing Associations

To remove a service provider association from a user:

  1. From the Manage Associations page, click Retrieve to ensure that you are viewing a complete list of associations.
  2. Select the user name for which you want to remove a service provider association.
  3. Click Remove.

    Note: When you remove a service provider association, the user is not deleted from the database.

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