Configuration and Administration

Creating a New VPD Profile

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > VPD Profile.

In addition to the preset VPD (Virtual Private Database) profiles, you can create your own VPD profiles. The VPD Profile page allows you to create new profiles, as well as edit current ones. For details on VPD Profiles, see the topic About VPD Profiles.

Only users with "DBA.ADMIN" or "ADMIN" user roles have rights to create/update VPD profiles and external predicates.

Note: Creating a VPD profile requires a working knowledge of Oracle databases. For assistance, contact Technical Support.

VPD Profile Information

  1. Enter a name for the new VPD Profile.
  2. Select Use Insert User Rule to limit access to data that the current user entered. This data may be entered across domains. This is ideal for a data entry employee who enters a large amount of data across different domains, but should only be able to update data that they specifically entered.
  3. Select Use External Predicate Rule to limit user access to database tables and rows specified by the statements in the external predicates defined below. If this is not checked, then the rules defined below are ignored. This check box is helpful when you have many predicates defined that you no longer want to follow. Rather than deleting them all, you can clear the check box, which will deactivate them all.
  4. Clear the Use Domain Rule check box to disable domain level security for a given VPD profile.

Note: Clearing this check box should be done with extreme caution and only to enhance performance in scenarios where domain-level security is not needed.

External Predicates

  1. Enter a Table Name for which to apply a predicate.
  2. Enter a Predicate that applies to the table. External predicates define additional "data filters" and associate them with a VPD profile. Creating external predicates requires a working knowledge of Oracle databases.
  3. From the External Predicate Access list, select the appropriate access rights that should apply to the table and predicate.
  4. Click Save for each external predicate you define.

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