Configuration and Administration

Menu Editor

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Menu Manager.

The Menu Editor lets you control the objects that appear in Springboard and the Navigator. After you create a menu, you can assign it to a domain, user, or level using the Access Manager. Also, note that you can assign more than one menu. For example, you could create a standard menu for all users in a domain. This menu could contain links to general functions that everyone can use. Then, you can create additional menus that include more specific links for select users or a particular level. After you design the appropriate menus, you can use the Access Manager to assign them. The links from each menu that is assigned appear in the menu navigation frame. Configuring manager layouts, user-defined screen sets, and workbench layouts are all added to the user interface by adding them to a user menu.

Menu objects consist of groups and links:

  • A group is used to organize lower level menu objects such as other groups and links. For example, on the default navigation menu, Shipment Management is a group that includes Shipment Management, Itinerary Management, and other objects.
  • A link is a URL that launches a specific Oracle Transportation Management page or website.

Note: All menu items with the Show on Springboard option selected appear in the menu editor with a yellow star on the folder (Show menu item on springboard).

After you create a new menu, you must assign user access to the menu in order for it to be used. Learn more about configuring the user interface here.

New Menu

There are two ways to create a menu. You can copy an existing menu and modify its structure to meet your needs, or you can create a new menu and design it from scratch. The recommended approach is to copy one of the public menus delivered with Oracle Transportation Management and use it as the starting point for designing a new menu.

Working with a Menu

  1. If you want the menu objects to display alphabetically in your language, select the Display Alphabetically check box.
  2. Click on the folder icon to view the icons which allow you to add, edit, delete, move, and view details menu items.

Insert Menu Object

You can insert groups and links at various levels of the menu.

  1. Click the New icon next to the object below which you want to insert a new object.

    The object is always inserted at the end of the hierarchy based on the object's current position in the hierarchy. For example, if you click this icon next to the top object, the new object is added to the bottom of hierarchy. If you click this icon next to a group that has child objects such as other groups, the new object is inserted after the last group.

    A link is the lowest level object in the menu hierarchy and you cannot insert an object after it.
  2. Select a type, Link or Group, and click Create.
  3. On the New Menu Element page, enter the information for the type you selected.

Edit a Menu Object

You can edit groups and links at various levels of the menu.

  1. Click the Edit icon next to the group or link which you want to edit.
  2. On the Edit Menu Element page, you can update the information for the group or link.

Delete a Menu Object

You can delete a group and all of its child objects or delete the child objects within a group.

  1. To delete a link, click the Delete icon next to the link.
  2. To delete a group and all of its child objects, click the Delete icon next to the group.

Move a Menu Object

You can move menu objects to different positions in the hierarchy. However, the way in which objects can be moved depends on its level in the hierarchy. Generally, an object cannot be moved (or promoted/demoted) to different levels in the hierarchy but can be moved to different positions within their current hierarchy level. The following rules apply for any object with parent-child relationships. In general, once a parent-child relationship is established, child objects can only be moved with the parent object and not to other parent objects.

  • If a group has subgroups or links, you can move the parent group and all of its child objects.
  • If a group has only one subgroup or link, the child object cannot be moved outside of its parent.
  • If a group has multiple links, the links can be moved within the parent group only.
  1. To move an object within the hierarchy, select the menu object and click Move Up icon or Move down icon depending on the direction that you want to move. If you get to the beginning or end of the list and click these icons, the object wraps around to the beginning or end depending on its position.

View Details of a Menu Link

Click the View icon to view details about the link, such as the URL and link type (screen set, external link, etc.).

Hide/Show Menu Objects

Right-click a menu object and click Hide to disable the menu object. Right-click it again and click Show to un-hide it. Hiding it is similar to deleting it, but if you might want to use it later, it is easier to re-display it if it has been hidden than to re-add it if it has been deleted. When it is hidden, it displays on this page in gray text.

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