Configuration and Administration

Menu Objects

You can configure a menu by inserting new links or groups. This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Menu Manager. On the Menu Editor topic, see the section Insert Menu Object.

Note: By default, the Show on Springboard option is selected for all menu groups and links.

Note: After creating a new menu, you need to assign the menu to a user via Manage User Access.

New/Edit Menu Element - Link

  1. Enter a name for the link in the Text box. This name appears on the menu.
  2. If you are creating a new menu link, select the type of link to create.
    • External URL: Creates a menu link that launches any internet address. If you enter an Internet address, include http:// as a prefix.

      You can create relative URLs that will work as you copy the User Menus from one Oracle Transportation Management server to another. For example, create external URLs like this:
      • Rapid order base and order release manager can only be added to a menu as external URLs in the following format:
        • Rapid order base manager: /servlets/RapidOBCustManagementServlet?manager_layout_gid=<Domain>.<YourManagerLayout>&new=y
        • Rapid order release manager: /servlets/RapidORCustManagementServlet?manager_layout_gid=<Domain>.<YourManagerLayout>&new=y
      • For Tomcat content: /servlets/
      • You can also add the following macro variables in the URL to pass data:
        • $CURRENT_FINDER_SET = This will pass the finder set GID for the screen running the action.
        • $CURRENT_USER = This will pass the current user ID.
        • $CURRENT_USER_ROLE = This will pass the user role GID for the current user.
        • $CURRENT_DOMAIN = This will pass the current domain.
        • $LOCATION = This will pass the user location defined by the Manage User Location action.
        • $DATE = This will pass the current system date.
    • Data Entry: Creates a menu link that launches an Oracle Transportation Management-specific URL that represents the first data-entry page for a business object. For example, this link would display the first data entry page for Order Base, Shipment, Simple Order, End-to-End Order and so on. Use these URLs to create a menu link that bypasses the Search page (Screen Set) normally associated with the business object.
    • Screen Set: Creates a menu link that launches a screen set and displays either the Search or Results page for a business object (depending on how the Screen Set is configured).
    • Workbench: Creates a menu link that launches the enhanced workbench screen. You must specify the default layout for the workbench. You can only add enhanced workbench layouts as menu links.
    • Dashboard: Creates a menu link that launches an Analytics dashboard.
  1. If you are editing an existing menu link, you can only update data (for each type listed above) but you cannot change the type of link. For example, if you edit a link type of Screen Set, you can update the Screen Set ID but you cannot change the link type to Data Entry.
  2. The XSL Configuration Override field allows you to provide an XSL override for any of the pages that appear for these configuration options so menus can be defined with their own XSL configuration setting. XSL configurations can also be assigned in User Preferences and are applied to every menu. This field does not apply if you selected the External URL option.

    User Preference configurations take precedence over specific menu configurations made using this field. With this field, individual links can point to their own XSL configuration; for example, you can have two menu links that point to the rate record Search page with different XSL.
  3. The Show on Springboard option allows you to make a group or link visible or hidden on the Springboard. All menu items are always shown on the Navigator.
  4. If Show on Springboard option is selected, you can select a pre-defined Image ID to display on the Springboard as an icon. The image only displays if the Show on Springboard option is selected.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Finished.

Note: In most cases, you would choose either Data Entry or Screen Set for a specific business object, but not both. For example, if you choose a Screen Set for a business object such as order base, the link will launch the Search page which can provide access to the data-entry pages via the New button or icon.

New/Edit Menu Element - Group

A group is the highest level in the menu hierarchy and can be used to nest other groups or links. You can add new menu groups or edit existing menu groups. You can also add labels under a group as static text. A group hierarchy is limited to three levels.

  1. Enter or update a name for the link in the Group Name box. This name appears on the menu.
  2. The Show on Springboard option allows you to make a group or link visible or hidden on the Springboard. All menu items are always shown on the Navigator.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Finished.

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