Configuration and Administration

Configure User Access

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Manage User Access. In the User Access Type field, select the option Ask Oracle Saved Query, Global Search, Saved Query, Screen Set, or User Menu. Click Edit User Access. One of the following pages open:

  • Ask Oracle Saved Query Access
  • Global Search Access
  • Saved Query Access
  • Screen Set Access
  • User Menu Access

Screen Sets and Saved Queries

By default, any new screen set and saved query is available to all users in the domain in which it was created.  You can use the Access Manager to limit access to these objects based on the available access options described below.

User Menus

New user menus are not available by default. You need to grant access to make them active.

Global Search

For global search, you control which screen sets are used to search for business objects matching the characters you enter. By default, users have no screen sets added to the Global Search access. When you enter characters to search for in Global Search you only see matching menu links and saved queries. You must include access to screen sets (such as buy shipment or order release) to search for business objects like shipments and orders in the Global Search field.  


On the Global Search Access page, you can select the "Include all screen sets plus the following" option and select the SHIPMENT and ORDER_RELEASE screen sets at the domain level. And at the user level, you can select the "Include all screen sets plus the following" option and select the DRIVER screen set. When you enter characters in the Global Search field, shipments, order releases, and drivers are all searchable using the selected screen sets.

Configuring Access

The procedures for configuring access to all of the above are the same. If you have Administrative Level privileges, you can assign access to any of these objects for the current domain, a specific user, or to all users of a particular level.

  1. Select the Prevent Access Changes check box to specify the final level for access configuration.
  2. Use the Include... or Exclude... options to define the type of inheritance that you want for the object.
  3. Choose the objects to include or exclude.
  4. Click Finished.

Note: Log out and log back in after access configuration changes are made.

More User Access

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