Configuration and Administration

Configure Field Screen Set Access

Access this page via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Manage User Access. In the User Access Type field, select the option Field Screen Sets. Click Edit User Access. The Field Screen Sets page opens.

Use this page to configure the default screen set that is used:

  • when you click Search (Search icon) icon next to a field. This icon displays a subsequent Search page for locating records of that type.
  • when you click a saved query link in the Global Search results list. The results of the query display using this screen set.
  1. Select the Prevent Access Changes check box to specify the final level for access configuration.
  2. Choose the Query ID for the object that is represented by the field that you want to configure. For example, if you want to configure a Field Screen Set for the Search page that appears when you click Search (search next to the Source Location ID field (shown above), you would choose LOCATION as the Query ID.
  3. Choose a Screen Set ID that controls the appearance of the Search page. Use the Content Manager to create and design your own screen sets.

Note: Log out and log back in after access configuration changes are made.

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