Configuration and Administration

Configuring Report Workspace User Access

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Manage User Access. In the User Access Type field, select the option Report Workspace. Click Edit User Access. The Report Workspace page opens.

Use this page to configure which reports (and images to represent reports) can be run from the Report Workspace.

If you have administrative level privileges, you can assign a report workspace to all users in the current domain, a specific user, or to all users of a particular level or user role.

  1. Select the Prevent Access Changes check box to specify the final level for access configuration.
  2. Choose a Report ID and a corresponding Icon ID that appears on the report workspace. The icon ID serves as an icon that you click to run the report.
  3. Save your work and repeat to add as many reports as you need.

    Note: Since some reports have summary and detailed pages, there are multiple report records for the same report. When you search for reports, set the Select Via UI check box to Yes to search for unique reports that can be added to the workspace.

    Note: Log out and log back in after access configuration changes are made.

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