Configuration and Administration

Creating and Configuring a Screen Set

Before you create a new screen set, decide whether to create a new one from scratch or to copy an existing screen set and modify it accordingly. It is recommended that you copy an existing screen set; specifically one of the public screen sets provided. There is a public screen for every business object and you should use these as a starting point for configuration.

Creating and using a screen set requires a few steps:

  1. Copying an existing screen set (recommended).


    Creating a new screen set.
  2. Assigning the new screen set to a menu.
  3. Granting access to the screen set.

These steps are described in the following sections.

Creating a New Screen Set

Identify the business object for which you want to create a user-defined screen set. Then go to Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Screen Set Manager. From here you can create a new screen set or copy an existing one and configure that to fit your needs.

Creating a brand new screen set forces you to start from scratch. You must provide all information. For this reason it is recommended that you create a screen set by copying an existing one.

If you are creating a new screen set, click New and follow the steps here.

Copying a Screen Set

Copying a screen set to create a new one is the recommended method for creating a new screen set. When you copy an existing screen set, all of the defaults are already entered for you. You only need to change the things which you wish to configure.

  1. Click Search to display the complete list of screen sets and review the list.
  2. Find the screen set that you want to copy by reviewing the IDs for each. The IDs should help you identify the business object for which the screen set represents.

    If you view a screen set, it is broken into sections. The top identifies the screen set. The middle of the page lists the Search fields and tabs that are configured to appear. You can click on each tab to display the configured fields. Below the Search fields is the Column configuration of the Results page which shows the column labels, sequence, and width of each column. Click the Actions or SmartLink button to display the menu configuration for each.
  3. When you find the record that you want, click the Selected check box next to it and click the Copy Screen Set button.
  4. Edit the new screen set in the steps described here, with the following specifics taken into account:
    1. Leave the default values for Query ID and Translation ID fields.

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