Configuration and Administration


This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Label Manager.

Note: You must be logged in as a DBA to access this page.

The Label Manager is a database administration tool that you can use to modify the on-screen text in the Oracle Transportation Management user interface such as field labels, menu links, buttons, titles etc. You can edit the text for existing languages or supply text for new languages that are not supported by Oracle Transportation Management.

Use this page to create/edit a Label ID record. This record controls the on-screen text for a specific language, language/country combination, or a specific domain.

Note: Some labels in the Rate Maintenance, Landed Cost, and Workbench UI screens do not use the OTM Label Manager for translations. Instead, these labels are translated directly by the Rate Maintenance, Landed Cost, and Workbench screens.

The Label ID is a unique identifier for the record. Many public Label IDs are provided that control the screen text for every user interface element such as field labels, menu labels, button text, titles, etc. The DBA.ADMIN user can edit the public Label IDs and change the text for any of these elements. However, since there are many screens where a piece of text may appear, there may be several Label IDs that need to be edited to make a change consistent throughout the software. For example, you may want to change the text Order Base ID to Order Identifier. The text Order Base ID appears on many screens throughout Oracle Transportation Management and as a result there are multiple Label IDs that include this text. You need to edit each Label ID to make the text change consistent on every screen, menu, etc.

Search and Edit Public Label ID

After you determine the text that you want to edit or provide translated language text for, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the text in the Text field on the Label Finder page to find the Label IDs that match a specific piece of text. Make sure you enter the text as it appears on the screen to find the matching Label IDs (the Text field is case sensitive).

    Note: You can also use the Domain Name field on the Search page to search for translation variants. This field does not search for Label IDs that are stored in a particular domain since all Translation ID records are automatically stored in the Public domain. The Domain Name field searches for any translation variants that you may have created using the Domain field mentioned below.

  2. The Results page displays the Label IDs that matched your search. The ID and Key can be used to help identify the screen on which the text appears. For example, if you searched on Order Base ID you would see a list of approximately 18 Label IDs. The Ob_Order_Base_Query.ob.order_base_xid ID is the Label ID for the text Order Base ID that appears on the Order Base Search page. If you edit this Label ID and change the text, the change is reflected on that screen based on the language record was edited.
  3. Edit the resulting Label IDs. The grid below the Label ID and Domain Name displays the current text for each language/country pair. Click Edit next to any record to edit the corresponding fields.

Create New Translation

If you do not want to use the public Label IDs, you can create new IDs (always stored in the Public domain). However, a new Label ID can only be used on a user-defined Screen Set.

  1. Enter the Label ID.
  2. Select the Type. Verify what you want to translate before selecting the type. For example, if you want to translate error messages, select Error not Label. For label translations, select Label.
  3. Language: controls the text that is used when you select a language in User Preferences.
  4. Country: this field can be used to define a variable of a language, France for French (European) or Canada for Canadian French.
  5. Domain Name: saves the translation in that domain.
  6. Text: the actual text that you want to appear on the screen.
  7. Click Save, then Finished to complete your work.

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