Configuration and Administration

Manager Layout: Identification

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Manager Layout.

A manager layout defines how the create/edit/view pages of a manager look, similar to the way that a screen set configures the search and search result pages of a manager. This page describes the new manager layout while also defining how the manager acts when material is being saved within it. User-defined manager layouts can be added to the user interface by creating a user menu.

To create a new layout, select an existing manager layout and click Copy Manager Layout. Make any changes necessary before clicking Finished.

  1. The Manager Layout ID describes the manager.
  2. The Post Save Navigation list describes the behavior of the manager after saving a record. The Post Save Navigation options are:
    • Results: is the default setting. After saving, you are directed to the results page. When viewing an existing manager layout, this value is displayed as "GR".
    • Manager: after saving, you are directed to the beginning of the manager that you are working in. When viewing an existing manager layout, this value is displayed as "M".
    • Save From Location: after saving, you remain on the page you saved information from. When viewing an existing manager layout, this value is displayed as "L".

    Note: When multiple records are selected to be saved at one time, Oracle Transportation Management automatically brings you to the Oracle Transportation Management results page.

  3. Use the Name to reflect a simple description of the type of manager layout you are creating.
  4. Select the As Entered check box, if you want all UOMs on the manager to display in the format that they were entered in, instead of converting them according to user preferences. This check box takes precedence over the individual check boxes. If there is one UOM that you want to display according to user preferences, you need to select all the others individually for them to display as entered.
  5. Enter a Manager Title to change the title of the manager.
  6. Select the Make Duplicate Fields Read Only check box if you want duplicate fields to be read only.

Header Fields

You can select up to four fields to be displayed in the header of a manager.

  1. Enter a Field Label.
  2. Enter a Field.
  3. If the field is an indicator, select the Field Indicator check box. When viewing the manager, the appropriate color is displayed for the indicator values.
  4. Click the Details button to select tabs and fields for the layout.

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