Configuration and Administration

Screen Set Manager: Recently Viewed

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Screen Set Manager. This is on the Recently Viewed tab.

Use this page to configure the recently viewed pages on Finder Results. You can define the types of pages to display as well as the number of pages to display.

  1. Select the Show Recently Viewed check box if you want to be able to see a list of objects that you recently worked with. When this check box is selected, more options display.
  2. In the Max Results field, enter the number of pages that display in the Recently Viewed list in Search Results. This is required if you selected the Show Recently Viewed check box.
  3. Select any or all of the following check boxes depending on the types of pages to include in the list of recently viewed pages:
    • Show Recently Viewed for Edit
    • Show Recently Viewed for View
    • Show Recently Viewed for Actions
    • Show Recently Viewed for SmartLinks

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