Configuration and Administration

Screen Set Manager: Default Criteria

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Screen Set Manager. This is on the Default Criteria tab.

Use this page to configure default search values for any of the fields available on the Search page. For example, you can configure the Order Base Search page to always search for orders in a specific domain or a specific location. The default values that you configure here do not appear on the business object's Search page; however, they are in effect when you click Search.

Note: Since a user cannot override these default values from the Search page, you should remove the fields for which you define default search criteria. For example, if you configure the Perspective field on the Itinerary Search page with a default value of BUY, this Search page automatically searches for itineraries with that perspective. You should also remove the Perspective field from the Search page to avoid confusion.

Note: Default criteria is also used by Global Search.


This section is for generated query data.

  1. Choose a column from the list. The columns listed are valid Search fields for the business object assigned to this screen set based on the Query ID.
  2. Enter the default value for the column (with any conditional parameters), if they are available for the column you selected.
  3. Click Save and repeat to add multiple default column criteria. If you enter multiple columns, ALL criteria for each column must be matched to produce Search results.

Advanced Filter Criteria

This section is for advanced filtering. The list contains all of the derived fields that are filterable.

  1. Select a column from the Column drop-down list.
  2. Enter the criteria for the filter.
  3. Click Save for each column you select.
  4. Click Next to continue with the Screen Set.

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