Configuration and Administration

Configure Results

Note: Configuring the results page is a global change and not-user specific. This can be set by screen set.

The configure results page allows you to determine which columns display and in which order. This page is accessed by clicking Configure Results icon (configure results icon) above the title bar of a Search Results page.

If you want to prevent users (for example service providers) from changing the results screen, you must add the following webserver property and set it to false: glog.webserver.finder.results.configurable.

The Available table on the left lists the columns that are available for that business object and results page. The Selected table on the right shows the columns that are selected to display on the results page. The Sort Descending (Sort Descending icon) and Sort Ascending (Sort Ascending icon) arrows next to the titles allow you to sort the table ascending or descending.

You can add an additional column by selecting the column name and clicking on the top right arrow between the two tables. To add all the columns, click the double right arrow. To remove a column, select it and click the left arrow. Click the double left arrow to remove all columns.

In the Selected table, you can sort the order in which the columns display by using the up and down arrows to the right of the table. To move a column, select the column to be moved. Then click one of the buttons. Click the top button, to move the column to the top of the list and display first. Click the second up arrow, to move a column up column by column. Click the first down arrow to move a column down, column by column. Click the bottom arrow to move a column to the bottom of the list and be the last column in the display.

Pseudo fields are marked with a P and Derived fields are marked with a D. Derived fields are calculated based on other database fields and are not stored in the database.

Click Save to save your changes or Cancel to revert your changes.

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