Shipment Management

Delete Multiple Shipments

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Details > Delete Multiple Shipments.

Note: An improved version of this action is enabled automatically, which needs to be manually deactivated by setting the USE IMPROVED DELETE SHIPMENTS ACTION optional feature to false. For more details, see Deleting Shipments.

This action allows you to remove all shipments related to an order release in one transaction. It deletes the selected shipments if there are no other related shipments found and if the shipment's status is such that it can be deleted.

If there are 3 related shipments and you only select 2 and run this action, it fails since shipments cannot be deleted if they have related shipments which are not included to be deleted.

The property "" also affects deleting shipments.

Note: Do not use the Delete button on the Finder results page to delete multi-leg and/or planned shipments.

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