Shipment Management

Deleting Shipments

Deleting a shipment removes it from the system. When you delete a shipment, all order releases are unassigned. If the order releases on the deleted shipment are scheduled to be carried on other shipments later, they are removed from those shipments as well. For shipments that precede the deleted shipment, the order releases are not affected. The PLANNING status value for orders that were assigned to deleted shipments, is updated to PLANNING_UNSCHEDULED.

When a shipment is deleted, the system checks for existing accruals. If an accrual exists, it will determine if the accrual was sent. If the accrual has been sent, a new reversal accrual is created using the inverse of the freight cost sent. If an accrual has not been sent, the accrual is deleted.

The order releases are not unassigned from shipments that precede the deleted shipment.

The following shipments cannot be deleted:

  • You cannot delete a shipment after a service provider has accepted a tender for the shipment. First, withdraw the tender and then delete the shipment.
  • You cannot delete a shipment after it is en route. A shipment is en route when it has a Status Type ENROUTE and a status value ENROUTE, DIVERTED, MERGED, or COMPLETE.

There is an improved version of the delete shipments API which improves the performance of the original version of the deleteshipments API. There is an optional feature called "USE IMPROVED DELETE SHIPMENTS ACTION" associated with this improvement. It applies to the Delete Multiple Shipments action on buy shipments and sell shipments, the Delete Shipments agent action, as well as the Delete button on the shipment screen. See the Methods for Deleting Shipments section for more information.

Note: With respect to deleting secondary charge shipments, the two versions of the deleting shipments action behave identically.

Note: When you perform the improved delete shipment function the system does not publish a lifetime event for each shipment ship unit on the shipment or check if there are existing documents records and favorite records for each of the shipment ship units. It is an unlikely case that a user has documents or favorites defined at this level, if they do, an error will be generated if the user tries to access a document or favorite for a delete shipment ship unit. As a performance improvement the new delete shipment does not check the order release planning statuses prior to deleting the shipment.

Deleting Multi-leg Shipments

If you wish to delete multi-leg shipment(s), use the either Shipment Manager action Delete Multiple Shipments or the Delete button on the shipment manager UI. When more than 1 leg has a shipment created, any attempts to delete shipment(s) will generate a "Can not delete shipment" error because not all the shipments for the order releases involved are selected.

The Delete Multiple Shipments action enables you to remove all shipments related to an order release in one transaction. It deletes the selected shipments if there are no other related shipments found provided the shipment's status is such that it can be deleted.

Methods for Deleting Shipments

  • UI Action Delete Multiple Shipments: You can delete shipment by running the UI action, Delete Multiple Shipments.
  • Delete Button on the Shipment Manager Screen: When you select a group shipments from the shipment manager and you click the Delete icon in the header, the system deletes the shipments using the same protocols as if you had run the Delete Multiple Shipments action.
  • Agent Action Delete Shipment: You can also delete shipments via the Delete Shipments agent action. However, the agent action will only delete one shipment at a time.

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