Configuration and Administration

Tree Control Folder Details

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Screen Set Manager. Then on the Tree tab click New Tree Node.

Use this page to configure a folder's attributes such as:

  • related business objects that appear under a folder
  • text label that appears next to the folder on the tree control
  • screen set
  • sort order of business objects under a folder
  • image that appears for a folder
  • data and format of each business object under a folder

Folder Attributes

The Link Type field determines the related object data that you can select based on the parent business object associated with the Screen Set you are using. For example, if you are using a Screen Set for Order Base, you can select to show the line items or ship units defined on an order base, the buy and sell (or both) shipments that were created from an order base, or the order releases generated from an order base. The choices that appear in the Link Type field depend on the business object associated with the Screen Set.

The Label ID field controls the text that appears to the right of the folder. Select an existing Label ID that has the text that you want to appear. Click the View icon to display the text defined for the Label ID displayed in the field.

The Screen Set ID determines which Actions and SmartLinks are available for any business object within a folder. For example, when you click a business object within a folder, Action and/or SmartLink (if the business object supports SmartLinks) icons appear to the right of the data describing the business object (ID by default although this can be configured using the format options described below). The Actions and SmartLinks that appear on the menus are controlled by the Screen Set that you identify here. Additionally, this field indicates which screen set the edit/view link is for. If the screen set listed here allows editing, the link will let you edit it. Otherwise it will let you view it.

The Order By field controls how the objects in a list are sorted from top to bottom. Select one of the fields listed to control the sequence of the objects within a folder.

The Image field lets you replace the default image that appears next to a folder in the tree control with another image of your choice. Image links are defined in Power Data > General > Images.

Format Tree Control Objects

By default, the Object ID appears for each object in a list. For example, if you create a list of shipments and expand the Tree Control icon on the finder results, the folders that appear for each shipment show the Shipment ID (with domain name prefix).  

However, you can change the default appearance of an object and display other shipment information such as the Start/End Time, Service Provider, Transport Mode, etc.

To change the default appearance of an object, select one or more data fields from the Field Name list box in the order that you want them appear from left to right. Click Save after selecting each field so they appear in the grid.

Then use the List Item Format String field to define the formatting characters that you want to appear between each data field. You can include some number of dots (...), dashes (--), spaces, or other characters as field separators (you cannot use < or >).

For example, if you select the following fields for a shipment:

Shipment ID,
Service Provider,
Transport Mode Name,

you can also select separator characters between each. To define the Format String, you must enter numbers that correspond to the fields that you selected starting with zero. You must also enclose each number in parenthesis {}.

In the example above, the format string {0}--{1}, {2} would appear as follows:

DOMAIN.Shipment ID--Service Provider ID,Transport Mode

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