Document File Upload

This action allows you to browse your local area network and upload a document to an Oracle Transportation Management object or a Global Trade Management object. If the upload is successful, the name of the document is displayed. To view the contents of the uploaded document, click the View Document button.

Both Oracle Transportation Management and Global Trade Management support the uploading of any type of file including Microsoft Word and Excel documents prior to Office 2007, generic XML, images in GIF, PNG, JPEG, WBMP, or TIFF formats, CSV file, plain HTML. This includes .doc, .docx, .pdf, .xls, .xlsx, .xml, .gif, .png, .jpg, .wbmp, .tif, .csv, .html, .txt.

Upload Content

The Upload Content action replaces any document content with a local file uploaded from your local area network (LAN).

Upload Document

The Upload Document action allows you to upload a local file to Oracle Transportation Management/Global Trade Management. An Oracle Transportation Management/Global Trade Management document is then created and assigned to the current business object. For standard documents you can version the document by selecting the Add New Revision check box. Additionally, you can add annotations to explain the document or document revision. You can specify a content management system to store the documents if the document type has not been already established. Once a standard document is finalized, any attempt to upload, generate, or remove the document will fail.

Note: When you perform this action on a record from the finder results screen, the field for standard documents will not be displayed.

Note: A document added to a business object from the finder results screen will always be an ad hoc document.

You can also assign a document type to a document to be uploaded when performing this action.

Note: You can upload multiple documents at a time and assign them to the object. However, this feature is ONLY available when you run the Upload Document action from the object finder or the results page. It is not available when you run the Upload Document on a standard document in the Documents tab of the object’s edit screen.

Uploading Document(s):

  1. In the Document File field, click Choose Files.
  2. Select an option from the Content Management System drop-down list. This will determine how the uploaded documents are managed.
  3. Click Upload. One document per uploaded file will be created and displayed in the results screen. If you want to see the content of an uploaded document, click View Content.
  4. From the results screen, for any of the documents, you can select a Document Type from the drop-down list. This will assign the selected document type to the corresponding document.
  5. Click Submit.

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