Business Process Automation

Content Management System

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Document Generation > Content Management Systems.

A content management system (CMS) is an external application that is used to manage documents. Multiple document management systems are supported, allowing documents to be stored in different systems based on domain, type, or content. For example, you may want all ad hoc reports stored in the OTM database, and all trade documents in a SharePoint repository.

Note: The glog.document.defaultCMS property allows you to set the default CMS.

Document Folders

Many content management systems allow documents to be browsed in a folder hierarchy. OTM supports the following mechanisms to determine a document’s folder:

  • None: All documents are inserted as unfiled in the CMS. They may be searched for using global search, but are not browsable.
  • Fixed: All OTM documents are placed in the specified root folder.
  • Domain: OTM documents are placed in a subfolder under the specified root. The name of the subfolder matches the domain name of the OTM document object. Child domains are nested in subfolders under the parent domain.
  • Generated: OTM documents are placed in a subfolder under the specified root. The name of the subfolder is generated using a parameter generator. Thus, the generated subfolder name may contain a tree of descendant folders, each separated with a forward slash.

If the folder path does not exist when inserting a document, OTM ensures that the path is created.

Note that some CMS implementations may not support folders. For these systems, the Content Management System must set the folder type to None. WCC, for example, does not support folders in a standard install. OTM’s integration with WCC supports only Framework Folders, Oracle’s recommended folder implementation. But this component is optional.

Conversely, some CMS implementations may not support unfiled documents. They require each document to be assigned a folder. If the Content Management Systems sets the folder type to None for such a system, document insertion will fail.

Note: The glog.document.cms.replaceSlashInNames.<CMS GID> property is applicable for the specific CMS which is mentioned as part of the property. When you set this property to true, the "/" in the file name is replaced with "_" and the file is uploaded into the respective CMS appropriately.

Adding a Content Management System:

  1. Enter a System ID for a content management system.
  2. Select a Domain.
  3. Enter a Description.
  4. Select a System Type. This is the type of content management system you are connecting to. Depending on the system type you select, different fields are available on this page.

WebCenter Content Support

One of the options for a content management system (CMS) is Oracle WebCenter Content (WCC). It provides support for document storage, document security, revision handling, document identification based on OTM data, and a custom property search.

WCC Document Storage

To store document content generated by OTM in a WCC server, you must first create a content management system record on this page, and then provide the URL to access the WCC server and your respective credentials. Then, for a given document type, you can associate its content with the CMS. When a document of that type is generated, OTM passes the generated content and all document parameters to WCC.

WCC requires a number of standard parameters to identify document content. Each of these parameters is available on the Content Management System page in OTM when the CMS has a system type of "WebCenter Content". These include:

Content Management System UI Field

WebCenter Content Parameter



Security Group




Document Name Generator


If the content management system has the Use Generated ID check box selected, then this is null. Otherwise the system uses "OTM-<nnnnnnn>", generated from the BN Rule: WCC_DOCNAME.DEFAULT.

It is recommended that you set up WCC to auto-generate content IDs as needed.

Document Title Generator


If the document has an owner, OTM-<owner>-<document type>, generated from BN Rule: WCC_DOCTITLE.VERSIONS; otherwise, OTM-<document GID>.


User Name


The CMS user name.


Account Generator


If the CMS has the Use Accounts check box selected, the default is the domain of the document. Otherwise the value is null.

It is recommended that you use accounts with WCC.

Folder Type

Root Folder

Folder Generator


A full path name to the content file. For example, the CMS-generated folder name + dDocTitle + optional extension.


These parameters can be overridden at the document type level, but only from the parameter grid on the Document Type page. For example, you can leave the Document Name blank on the CMS page, but want a specific business number rule to run for the bill of lading. In that case you would add a creation parameter of "dDocName" on the document type parameter list and set its generator to "BN Rule" and its generator value to "Rule ID".

WCC Document Security

A single WC user is specified on the content management system page. That user is responsible for all content checkins/checkouts and appears as the author of all OTM-related documents stored in WCC.

Three models of document security are available:

  • OTM Control: All OTM documents are marked as secure in WCC and can only be accessed by the WCC user specified in the CMS definition in OTM. Access to documents is restricted to OTM and OTM security.
  • Document Accounts: WCC is configured to support document accounts. WCC users can be granted read or read/write access to accounts. OTM assigns an account to a document based on a parameter generator or, by default, the OTM domain of the document. Any WCC user with access to that account can directly search and view the document from the WCC web server. Note that WCC accounts are hierarchical like OTM domain names. A user with access to a parent account can view all the documents in child accounts.
  • Security Groups: After installation WCC supports two security groups: public and secure. But additional security groups can be provided User roles in WCC can be mapped to one or more security groups. A WCC user can search and via an OTM document from the WCC web server if one of his roles is associated with the group.

WCC Revision Handling

When OTM supports revisions, the dDocName document parameter is stored with the standard document record. To add a new revision, OTM first checks out the document with that name and then checks in new content against it. The revision label is set to the dRevLabel document parameter.

WebCenter Content

If you selected the WebCenter Content system type, complete the following steps.

  1. Enter a URL. This is the connection URL to the content management system. For more information, see the CMS Integration Guide on Oracle Help Center.
  2. Enter a User Name that is used to connect to the content management system.
  3. Enter a Password for the content management system, and then confirm it.
  4. Select a Folder Type. The folder type you choose determines which of next fields appear. Your choice determines the algorithm used to generate a folder name for a document. See the Document Folders section above for more detail on document storage.
    1. If you selected a folder type of "Fixed", "Domain", or "Generated", then enter a Root Folder. A root folder is the root path for where the documents will be stored.
    2. If you selected a folder type of "Generated", enter a Folder Generator. If you want to create subfolders from the root folder, use this field to link to a parameter that defines subfolder generation.
    3. Enter a Folder Class to specify a folder type in the content management system schema.
  5. Enter a Document Class to use a custom document type to store OTM content. The default document class is Document.
  6. Select the Use Versioning check box when you want to use the WebCenter Content versioning capabilities. The check box acts like an override to avoid checkout/checkin of documents. The revisions kept by WebCenter are separate from any standard document versioning tracked by OTM.

WebCenter Content Settings

This section is only available when you select "WebCenter Content" as the system type.

  1. Enter the default Security Group for all documents sent to this WebCenter Content.
  2. Selecting the Use Accounts check box indicates that the WebCenter content management system supports account security.
  3. Select the Use Direct URL check box to use a direct URL to the WebCenter web server  for content rendering.
  4. When you select the Use Auto-Generated ID, the system assumes that the document ID's "dDocName" is automatically generated by the WebCenter Content.
  5. Enter a Document Name Generator. This is the default parameter generator for "dDocName". See the WCC Document Storage section for more detail.
  6. Enter a Document Title Generator. This is the default parameter generator for "dDocTitle". See the WCC Document Storage section for more detail.
  7. Enter an Account Generator. This is the default parameter generator for "dDocAccount". See the WCC Document Storage section for more detail.

Oracle Document Cloud Support

Oracle Document Cloud

This section is only available when you select Oracle Document Cloud as the system type.

Note: This storage provider will be deprecated. If you’re using this solution, consider moving to another option.

SharePoint Online Support

One of the options for a content management system (CMS) is Microsoft SharePoint Online that is hosted on Azure cloud.

SharePoint Online as a CMS, lets you manage documents, create folders to save and manage those documents from OTM.

You can store and manage documents in the context of a record on a SharePoint server, and leverage the SharePoint infrastructure to share, manage, and collaborate efficiently. Since the documents are stored on a SharePoint server, users who aren't running the application can directly access the documents on the SharePoint server provided they have the appropriate permissions.

You can upload a new document to SharePoint Online and view the document content from SharePoint Online. You can also update an existing document in SharePoint Online.

If you delete a document (that is already uploaded in SharePoint Online) from OTM, the document will also be deleted from SharePoint Online.

If you selected SharePoint Online as the system type, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a Folder Type. The folder type you choose determines which of next fields appear. Your choice determines the algorithm used to generate a folder name for a document. See the Document Folders section above for more detail on document storage.
    1. If you selected a folder type of "Fixed", "Domain", or "Generated", then enter a Root Folder. A root folder is the root path for where the documents will be stored.
    2. If you selected a folder type of "Generated", enter a Folder Generator. If you want to create sub-folders from the root folder, use this field to link to a parameter that defines subfolder generation.
    3. Enter a Folder Class to specify a folder type in the content management system schema.
  2. Enter a Drive ID. This ID of the drive (Microsoft Graph API identifies the document library of SharePoint Online as a drive. This will be used for subsequent operations (like creating, updating, and deleting) on the documents managed by this CMS. An example to get the Drive ID of a document library, is mentioned in the topic Setup for Using SharePoint with OTM.
  3. Enter the ID of the External System where you have configured the Client ID and Client Secret to access SharePoint Online. For more details, see Setup for Using SharePoint with OTM.

SharePoint Online Settings

Enter a Document Title Generator. This is the default parameter generator for OTM_DOC_TITLE_MSGRAPH.

SharePoint Online Document Storage

Content Management System UI Field

SharePoint Online Content Parameter


Document Name Generator


If the document has an owner, OTM-<owner>-<document type>, generated from BN Rule: SHAREPOINT_DOCTITLE.VERSIONS; otherwise, OTM-<document GID>.

Primary File Name


The file name of the file that has been uploaded

Note: You can use the property glog.document.cms.msgraph.validateFileUpload to validate uploaded content in Sharepoint with the content in the source file.

Additional Parameters

A parameter is an attribute that is passed to the CMS.

  1. Enter a Parameter Name.
  2. Enter a Parameter Value Generator.
  3. Select the Modifiable check box if you want the parameter to be recalculated on updates.
  4. Click Save for each parameter you define.
  5. Click Finished.

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