
Declaration: Documents

This page is accessed via Customs > Declarations. Then click the Documents tab.

Use this page to manage documents for the related GTM declaration.

Standard Documents

This section contains standard documents associated with the declaration. A standard document is an assignment of a document type to a transaction, such as a declaration. Revisions are kept of standard documents. The section also lists the review status associated with the document. To see which declaration lines are responsible for the status, click View Responsible Declaration Lines.

Use the icons to interact with standard documents.

  • Actions (Actions icon): Launches the Declaration Documents Actions page.
  • View/Preview (View/Preview icon): Views the content of the latest document in a pop-up window. If there is no revision and the document is backed by a report, the View/Preview icon shows a preview of the document.
  • Details (Details icon): View the details of the standard document.

Customs Filing History

This grid displays read-only information relative to the Automatic Export Service (AES). You see the IDs of any filing documents, the tracking event ID of the filing response, and a response status (fatal error, warning, success) returned by AES.

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