Business Process Automation

Document Manager

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Document Management > Document Manager.

The Document Manager lets you view and act on all types of documents and document content, as well as create additional documents. Standard document revisions are not created by the Document Manager. To set additional document characteristics, use the Document Type Manager. Each document type has its own set of characteristics and protocols it uses when content is generated or uploaded for the document. When generating a document through a business manager, a document instance is automatically created for you.

You can create an additional document directly through the Document Manager or indirectly through another manager. In most cases, documents are created through another manager. To view or edit documents across business managers, access the Document Manager directly.

Generating a Document

  1. Select a Document Type. When generating a document from a business object, Oracle Transportation Management lists available document types allowed for generation. Only document types that are set up to be Owned By the business object are available for generation. For example, A Bill of Lading document that is owned by an order release cannot be generated from a claim.


    Select a Content Management System if you do not have a document type.

    Note: The glog.document.defaultCMS property allows you to set the default CMS.

  2. Click Document Detail.
  3. Enter an ID to uniquely identify a document. If left blank, Oracle Transportation Management automatically assigns a default ID after the document has been created.

    When a document system receives a request from a business object due to generation, a document ID is created for the instance. This ID is used to uniquely define the document instance within Oracle Transportation Management.

    Note: The glog.document.xid.usingOwnerGid.replaceSmallxWithHyphen property can be used to replace a lowercase "x" with a hyphen in the document ID while generating a document for shipment stop using Report and view/edit the generated document from document manager. This will prevent the application from displaying an error when the document ID contains a lowercase "x".

  4. In the Used As field, select how the document will be used. The options include:
    • Individual: The default value for a newly created document that is not linked/related to any existing document.
    • Consolidated: The same document content is uploaded and linked to multiple objects.
    • Template: You can create a template document which can be then attached to a document type. This template can then be downloaded from the document type.
    • Link: When a document has the Used As field as "Link" then it means that it has been linked from an existing document which will be present as Related Document ID on the present document. You cannot select this option when creating a document, but it will be set to this value when you add a document by linking it. For example, there is a shipment Bill of Lading, and you link the Bill of Lading to the corresponding invoice. Then the document created for the invoice is the link document. The related document ID is the Bill of Lading on the shipment.
  5. The Domain Name you are logged into is automatically assigned to the new document. However, you can save a document in any domain in which you have read/write access. Your administrator can provide you with read/write access to any domain.
  6. Enter the Effective Date of the document.
  7. Enter the Expiration Date of the document.
  8. Assign an Owner Type for a document. In most cases, the owner has been predetermined in the Document Type Manager.
  9. Select an Owner to establish business object ownership of a document. For instance, a shipment can own a document. Alternatively, a document does not need to be owned.

    Note: When a business object is removed from Oracle Transportation Management, all owned documents by that business object are automatically removed as well. Set up a scheduled work-flow process to remove old, unowned documents from Oracle Transportation Management.

  10. Choose the way Oracle Transportation Management stores a document by selecting a Storage Type. Content can be binary, text, linked via a URL, or a CMS URL. A URL can be secure (URL is behind a firewall) or unsecure. To upload document content, use the Binary and Text storage types.
  11. The Mime Type determines how the browser renders the document.
  12. Clicking the Upload button prompts you to the Document File Upload page. Search your Local Area Network for the file you want to upload into Oracle Transportation Management by clicking on the Browse button. Click Upload to return to the Document Manager.
  13. Enter a URL if you select either a URL or Secure URL Storage Type. For instance, enter to direct the document to Oracle's home-page.
  14. Click View if you would like see the document content.

Note: In View/Edit mode, the Generated By field displays the user who has generated the selected document. This field will be visible only for documents which have been generated against a business object. It won’t be visible for ad hoc documents which are manually created or documents which have been uploaded, etc.

Note: Based on the applications that are installed on your computer, you may have problems viewing content.

Document Contexts

Any document can have different properties associated with it, document number, and who has uploaded the document. Document context is a way to identify these properties. For example, a document number from an insurance document is a context qualifier. There are a few document contexts provided:


When creating a consolidated document using the Document Manager, you must provide a DOCUMENT NUMBER. For example, you enter CERT_OF_ORIGIN_001. After the document has been created, you now want to find the document but you do not know any details about the document other than the unique DOCUMENT NUMBER that was provided. You can then use that ID in the Document Finder to retrieve that document using the Document Context Qualifier ID as DOCUMENT NUMBER and Document Context Value as CERT_OF_ORIGIN_001.


Whenever a consolidated document is uploaded with the same DOCUMENT NUMBER and you want to create a new revision, then the revision number increases by 1. If the consolidated document is updated, i.e. the Add New Revision check box is not selected, the revision number remains the same. The first time you upload of a consolidated document, the DOCUMENT REVISION is set to 1. The second time you upload of a document with the same DOCUMENT NUMBER, the DOCUMENT REVISION qualifier value is set to 2 if you have selected Add New Revision.


This denotes the SUPPLIER qualifier value for the user who has created the document. This context is used in GTM for providing VPD access to a user. It is created for both consolidated and individual documents.

For example, when a supplier provides an item, the item may have many documents associated with it. The supplier is a service provider user. For such users there is a party ID in the user association with the qualifier as the SUPPLIER. When those users upload a document, the user association value is created as the PARTY_ID context. This PARTY_ID context filters the documents uploaded by this user so the user sees only their own documents.

  1. Enter a Context Qualifier ID.
  2. Enter a Context Value.
  3. Click Save for every context qualifier ID you define.

Content Management System Parameters

Use this section to define extra document attributes that are passed to the CMS during the creation or revision of document content. If a parameter is defined on the CMS or document type and on the document, the one on the document takes precedence over parameters on a document type and CMS. See the Document Parameter Generator topic for more information.

  1. Enter a Parameter Name.
  2. Enter a Parameter Value Generator.
  3. Select Modifiable check box if the parameter is recalculated on updates.
  4. Click Save for each parameter you define.
  5. Click Finished.

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