Shipment Management

SKU Actions and SmartLinks

Click Actions on the SKU manager to launch the following actions. This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Visibility > SKU.


Sub Option


Business Process Automation


Attach Documents

Generate Document

Limited Documents

Upload Document



Add SKU Event

View SKU Events

Mark for Purge



Milestone Monitor



Assigned Milestone Monitor

Event History

Send Interface Transmission




Right-click on any ID to launch any of the following SmartLinks.




This opens the Documents results page showing the Document IDs that are linked to this SKU record.

Inbound Goods in Transit

Displays the quantity of packaged items currently in transit to the warehouse.

Individual Counts

Displays information about the selected SKU record including the SKU descriptor values.

Item Manager

Displays the Item Master of the packaged item ID for the selected SKU record.

Outbound Goods in Transit

Displays the quantity of packaged items that are currently in transit from the warehouse.

Related SKU Transactions

Displays the SKU transactions for the selected SKU record.

Set Image

Assigns an image to a business object as a User-Defined Image field.

Total Counts

Displays a Portable Document Format (PDF) file that totals the quantity on hand ( QOH) for the selected SKU.

View Related Buy Shipments

Displays buy shipments that use the indicated SKU.

View Related Order Bases

Displays order bases that use the indicated SKU.

View Related Order Releases

Displays order releases that use the indicated SKU.

View Related Sell Shipments

Displays sell shipments that use the indicated SKU.

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