Shipment Management

Outbound Goods in Transit

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Visibility > SKU. From the results page, right-click the ID to open SmartLinks. Select Outbound Goods in Transit.

The Outbound Goods in Transit SmartLink displays the quantity of packaged items of the selected stock keeping unit (SKU) that are currently in transit from the warehouse, as well as the shipments on which those items are being transported.

SKU Data

This page displays the following data:

  • SKU ID: The unique alphanumeric identifier of the SKU.
  • Packaged Item ID: The ID of the packaged item tracked by the SKU.
  • Warehouse ID: Identifies the current warehouse location of the item.
  • Supplier ID: Identifies the supplier of the item.
  • Owner ID: Identifies the owner of the item.
  • Quantity On Hand: The quantity of the item available in the warehouse.
  • Outbound Goods in Transit: The quantity of the package item currently enroute to the warehouse.


Matching Criteria

This page also lists the shipments that are transporting the outbound goods. Each shipment listed:

  • Carries goods with the same Packaged Item ID as the SKU.
  • Has a pickup stop (Activity = P) at the same location as the Warehouse ID on the SKU.
  • Has a status value of GOODS_IN_TRANSIT_IN_TRANSIT.
  • Is in a domain or virtual private database (VPD) to which the current user has access.

In Transit Status

If the GOODS_IN_TRANSIT external status type is not in your inventory domain, it needs to be created and saved there, along with the status values of GOODS_IN_TRANSIT_IN_TRANSIT (the initial value) and GOODS_IN_TRANSIT_COMPLETED. Status types and values can be created in Configuration and Administration > Power Data > General > Status Types.

Once created, these status values can be assigned to shipments via:


You can perform these actions on the listed shipments:

  • Add Shipment Tracking Event: Lets you add shipment events to the shipment.
  • Assigned Milestone Monitor: Displays the milestone monitors that have been assigned to the shipment.
  • Content View: Displays shipment details, including the equipment used for the shipment and their respective ship units and line items.
  • Shipment Line Item Count: Displays the number of packaged items in each selected shipment that are outbound goods in transit for this SKU. The Outbound Goods in Transit total displayed above equals the total Packaged Item Count for all the listed shipments.
  • Track and Trace:Displays shipment details including status and reference numbers. A shipment event history also appears if events have been recorded for the shipment. You can also add new events.

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