Assign Milestone Monitor

Use this action to assign a Milestone Monitor to a business object. Once the assignment is made, a new Milestone Monitor is created and automatically assigned to the business object regardless of any assignment criteria specified on the template that you select.

This action can be used for the following objects. To access the action, select your object, click Actions > Business Process Automation > Actions > Milestone Monitor > Assign.

  • Charter Voyage
  • Equipment
  • Driver
  • Invoice
  • Order Base
  • Order Release
  • Quote
  • Route Instance Leg
  • Sell Shipments
  • Shipments
  • Shipment Groups
  • SKU
  • Voyage

The Milestone Monitor then starts to monitor the events and appropriate actions.

Note: To unassign a business object from a Milestone Monitor, you must delete the Milestone Monitor that has the business object assignment. Also, if you delete a business object, any assigned Milestone Monitor is also deleted.

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