Shipment Management

View SKU Events

This is accessed via Shipment Management > Visibility > SKU. From the results page, click Actions > Events.

The SKU Event History page displays event details for the SKU. Any events that have been previously recorded appear in the Event History grid.

The grid displays the following columns.

  • SKU ID: Identifies the stock keeping unit (SKU).
  • Responsible Party: Displays the party responsible for the event.
  • Status Code: Displays the status code that was recorded for the event.
  • Reason Code: Displays the reason code recorded for the event.
  • Event Date/Time: The date and time associated with the SKU event. Events are sorted by date/time.
  • View Comments: Comment entered about a particular SKU event.
  • View Quantities: Quantities of the SKU.
  • View Remarks: Remarks that provide additional information about the event.

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