Brokerage and Forwarding

Auto Assign Agent Responsibilities

This page is accessed via Brokerage and Forwarding > Job Management > Job Details > Actions > Assign Agent Responsibilities > Auto Assign.

This action allows you to auto-assign agent responsibilities to a job. When you run this action, the system works through all the shipping agent contacts on the job, based on the shipping agent type, and applies shipping agent rules to them. If there are responsibilities for the shipments in this job the auto-assign agent responsibilities action the system prompts you to manually view the various shipment responsibilities and assign other agents to the shipments by running the Manually Assign Responsibilities action.

  • If there is a Final Destination agent, it is their responsibility to approve the primary shipment's COLLECT charges.
  • If there is only a Consol agent, it is their responsibility to approve the primary shipment's COLLECT charges.
  • The Sales Agent always needs to approve the primary shipment's Total Cost, even if there are other agents involved.
  • The non-freight related charge (NFRC) shipments are the responsibility of the service provider's agent.

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