Brokerage and Forwarding

Manual Assign Agent Responsibilities

This page is accessed via Brokerage and Forwarding > Job Management > Job Details > Job Details > Actions > Assign Agent Responsibilities > Manual Assign.

This action manually assigns agent responsibilities.

  1. Select a shipping contact agent from the drop-down list.
  2. Select the revenues and expenses from the shipment to assign them to the shipping agent contact.
  3. Click Next and you will see the assigned responsibilities.
  4. If the selected shipment already has assigned agents, when you click Next, you can remove the existing agents who have not reviewed the shipments for which they are responsible.
  5. The Add Selected Shipments's Responsible Agent check box appears after you click Next and the selected shipment already has assigned agents. If you select it, the action assigns the agent to all the shipments in the list.
  6. Select the Remove check box for any agents that you want to unassign.

Related Topics

Auto Assign Agent Responsibilities

Job Details