Brokerage and Forwarding

Manually Apply NFRC Rules

This page is accessed via the following:

  • Brokerage and Forwarding > Job Management > Job Details > Actions > Non Freight related Charge Rules > Manually Apply NFRC Rules
  • Brokerage and Forwarding > Quote > Actions > Brokerage and Forwarding > Change Quote > Manually Apply NFRC Rules

Use this action to manually create a Non Freight Related Charge (NFRC) for a job or quote by selecting an NFRC rule which would then create the required buy and sell shipments and then allow you to edit those charges as required.

The rules that appear in the list are those with a Generation Type of either BOTH or MANUAL as defined on the Non-Freight Related Charge Rule page.

Then the appropriate NFRC is created on the job or quote and displays the resulting charge shipments. You can view and edit the NFRCs from the Job Details page (Revenue or Expenses sections depending on the type of charge created based on your rule configuration) or the quote.

If creating NFRC rules for jobs, you can select the order releases which are related to the job to associate with the NFRCs. This works for jobs whether they are for order movements or order releases.

Note: You can also create NFRCs automatically.

Duplicate charges are not created if you run this action more than once.

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