Operational Planning

Appointment Rule Set

This page is accessed via Operational Planning > Power Data > Appointments > Appointment Rule Set.

Use this page to create new appointment rule sets. These rule sets are assigned to Location Resource or Location Resource Group.

Note: Appointment Rule Set constraints are not honored for shipment group.

Adding an Appointment Rule Set

To add an appointment rule set, enter or select the following fields:

  1. Appointment Rule Set ID.
  2. Appointment Rule Set Name.
  3. Domain Name.
  4. Effective Date. This should be the first day when the rule set is applicable.
  5. Expiration Date. This should be the last day when the rule set expires.
  6. Appointment Activity Type. This specifies if the trailer scheduled for the appointment is attached to the truck (Live) or being dropped (Drop). This field is for information purpose.

Note: You can have a default rule set, but it is optional. The default rule set has no expiration date.


Enter or select the following fields, which are optional:

  1. Flex Commodity Profile.
  2. Flex Commodity Check Option. If you select CHECK ALL, then the flex commodity profile on all shipment ship units on a shipment will be compared against the flex commodity profile on the location. If you select CHECK BY LARGEST WEIGHT, then only the heaviest shipment ship unit on a shipment will be used in the comparison. CHECK BY LARGEST VOLUME indicates that only the shipment ship unit with the largest volume will be compared against the location resource when trying to establish an appointment.

    Note: If you enter a Flex Commodity Profile ID, then the Flex Commodity Check Option appears.

  3. If the status (selected or unselected) of Temperature Control in the appointment rule set matches with the status of Temperature Control of the shipment, then the shipment is compatible. 
  4. If the status (selected or unselected) of Hazardous Allowed in the appointment rule set matches with the status of Hazardous Allowed of the shipment, then the shipment is compatible.
  5. Enter the Maximum Ship Units Allowed. The maximum number of ship units allowed is compared to the Total Ship Unit Count of the shipment. For example, a shipment has Total Ship Unit Count value as five (5). If a location has a door with appointment rule set with maximum number of ship units allowed set as four (4). This will be shown as infeasible slot for that door as the number of ship units allowed is four and shipment has five ship units.

Service Provider

To define service provider constraints, enter the following fields, which are optional:

  1. Service Provider Profile ID.
  2. Equipment Group Profile ID. If there are multiple equipment groups on a shipment, then all the equipment group IDs must match with the equipment group profile which is specified on the rule set.
  3. Mode Profile ID.
  4. Contact Profile ID. The contact profile controls which locations are valid for a shipment based on a list of contacts. To restrict shipments to a particular set of doors using contact profiles, ensure that they are also infeasible for the other doors. If you do not set up the other doors to be incompatible, those doors will also be feasible for them and the system can in effect use any door.
  5. Shipment Stop Activity Profile ID. OTM supports only Load and Receive activities for appointments.


To define geography constraints, enter the following fields, which are optional:

  1. Source Region ID. If the destination location of the shipment is the same as the location on which this appointment rule set is defined, then the shipment is considered as compatible only if the pickup location of the shipment lies in the source region. If the shipment is a multi-stop shipment, then the shipment is considered as compatible even if the source location is a middle stop. For example,
    • stop 1, pickup in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
    • stop 2, pickup in Bremen, Germany
    • stop 3, delivery in Gdansk, Poland

If the appointment rule set on Gdansk has Source Region as Germany, then the appointment rule set matches the shipment even if the shipment original source location is in the Netherlands.

  1. Destination Region ID. If the source location of the shipment is the same as the location on which this appointment rule set is defined, then the shipment is considered as compatible only if the delivery location of the shipment lies in the destination region. If the shipment is a multi-stop shipment, then the shipment is considered as compatible even if the destination location is a middle stop.

Note:Geography constraints are honored only when Region's Geo Hierarchy ID is of type LOCATION.

Shipment Reference Numbers

If the reference number details on the shipment contain all the reference number details defined on the appointment rule set, when the Compatible check box is selected for each appointment rule set, then the shipment is compatible.

If you do not specify any shipment reference numbers on your appointment rule set, the shipment is considered as compatible.

For example, the following table contains reference number details on the shipment and appointment rule sets along with the status of compatible check box of individual rule sets.

Shipment Reference Number Qualifier and Value

Appointment Rule Set Reference Number Qualifier and Value

Q1 V1 Q1 V1, selected
Q2 V2 Q2 V2, selected
Q3 V3  
Q4 V4  

In this example, the shipment is compatible as the reference numbers on the shipment contain reference numbers (Q1 V1), (Q2 V2) that are defined in the appointment rule set with the compatible check box as selected.  

To define shipment reference numbers constraints, enter or select the following fields, which are optional:

  1. Reference Number Qualifier ID.
  2. Reference Number.
  3. Compatible.
  4. Click Save.

Shipment Flex Fields

Click New Flex Field to define a new shipment flex field. Compatible check works the same as mentioned in the shipment reference numbers section.

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