Shipment Management

Location Resource

This page is accessed via

  • Shipment Management > Location Manager. On the Resource tab, click New on the Resource Type grid. Then under the Location Resource section, click New Resource.
  • Operational Planning > Appointment Management > Dock and Yard Managers. On the Resource tab, click New on the Resource Type grid. Then under the Location Resource section, click New Resource.

Use this page to define a location resource (dock door) for a location. You can also associate a location resource group or appointment rule sets for the resource.

Adding a Location Resource

  1. Enter a Location Resource ID.
  2. Enter a Location Resource Name.
  3. Enter a Calendar ID. The Calendar ID here override the value on the resource type. A calendar must be defined at this or the resource type level or else all slots will be blocked.  The activities on this calendar must be LOAD and/or RECEIVE in order to open slots for appointments or pickup or delivery.
  4. Enter a Preference Level. The highest preference level is 0 (zero) and will be considered first. Resources with a higher preference level are considered before ones with a lower preference level, despite availability of time slots. For example, you have two resources. The first has an available time slot at 2 PM and has a preference level of zero. The second has an available time slot at 9 AM, and has a preference level of one. Both resources slots are considered feasible appointment options for a shipment. For a valid appointment, the first resource would be chosen over the second, despite the later time slot, because it had a higher preference level.
  5. Select a Domain Name from the drop-down list.

Location Resource Group

You can enter the Location Resource Group associated with this location.  

Appointment Rule Sets

  1. You can enter an existing or create a new Appointment Rule Set.
  2. Click Save.

You can add one default rule set and multiple seasonal rule sets.

Note: You can have a default rule set, but it is optional. The default rule set has no expiration date.

You cannot enter both Location Resource Group ID and Appointment Rule Set together. If you provide a location resource group, then the appointment rule sets on the location resource group applies to this location resource.

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