Operational Planning

Appointment Shipment Stop Activity Profile

This page is accessed via Operational Planning > Power Data > Appointments > Appointment Shipment Stop Activity Profile.

This page is used to enter appointment shipment stop activity profiles. These profiles are used when working with location resources and Location Resource Group. Appointment shipment stop activity profiles contain a list of activities. Such a list can be used to filter and determine if a shipment can be staged at that location. This compatibility is determined by comparing the shipment stop activity profile against the activities mapped to a location.

Defining an Appointment Shipment Stop Activity Profile

  1. Enter a unique identifier in Appointment Shipment Stop Activity Profile ID.
  2. Enter an Appointment Shipment Stop Activity Profile Name.
  3. Select the Compatible check box to indicate that the appointment shipment stop activity profile matches specific activities of a shipment stop for which an appointment is created. If the Compatible check box is not selected, then the appointment shipment stop activity profile is not matched with the activities of a shipment stop, so the shipment cannot use the associated location.
  4. Select a domain in which the appointment shipment stop activity profile is active from the Domain Name drop-down list.


  1. Enter an Activity ID.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click Finished.

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