Shipment Management

Insert Non-Freight Related Stop and Remove Non-Freight Related Stop

These actions are accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Stops > Insert Non Freight Related Stop or Remove Non Freight Related Stop.
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Stops > Insert Non Freight Related Stop or Remove Non Freight Related Stop.

The Insert Non-freight Related Shipment action allows you to create a non-freight related (NFR) shipment. Non-freight related stops are often used when assigning equipment. For example, a driver may not have equipment and may need to pick up equipment at an equipment pool and then drive the empty equipment to the shipment source location. In this case, a new stop is created at the drivers current location as well as at the equipment pool. Both are added to the beginning of the shipment.

The property can be used to determine if a segment is bobtail or deadhead when using NFR stops and there is no shipment equipment for the segment.

Inserting a Non-freight Related Stop

Note: When you manually add a non-freight related stop, a STOP_NOT_REMOVABLE special service is also added. This prevents the non-freight related stop from being removed if you choose to Get the Driver Home. You can still manually remove the stop by running the Remove Non-Freight Related Stop action.

  1. Enter the Location ID of the new stop.
  2. Select the shipment stop to insert the new stop before or after.
  3. Select the Insert NFR location before existing stop check box if the new stop comes before the one selected in step 2.
  4. Select the Driver Non-Payable check box if the stop is off route. If a driver has some extra time and wants to make a stop off route, but the mileage and driving time need to be accounted, select this check box. The work invoice will use the originally calculated miles but the time to drive the extra miles is accounted for. Informally, this can be known as a slurpee stop.
  5. The Special Service Code, when entered by the user, instantiates the specified Special Service on the stop that is to be added from the successful completion of the action.
  6. The Duration is the time to be entered in the Shipment Special Services’ duration, which is captured in the Activity Time fields on the shipment stop. For the duration, a special service code is required.
  7. Click OK. The results page appears.

Removing a Non-freight Related Stop

Note: Running this action will remove the non-freight related stop even if you manually added it through the action described above.

When removing a non-freight related shipment, after you select the shipment from which to remove the stop and click the action, there are no prompts. The NFR is removed and the results page appears.

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