Operational Planning

Voyage Schedule

This page is accessed via Operational Planning > Schedule Management > Voyage.

Create a voyage to define the rotation of a carrier's vessel as the vessel goes from a set of loading points (departure ports) to a set of unloading ports (arrival ports). Voyages, also known as vessel schedules, often include inland as well as sea ports in the "vessel" rotation. Feeder vessels or feeder services move the container from the inland port to the sea port.

To assign a voyage beyond the order time window, you may want to extend the time window using the parameter "NUM OF DAYS ADDED TO LD FOR SEARCH SCHEDULE".

  • Change voyage schedule will be considered feasible if the voyage schedule will arrive within the order's late delivery date and the value set on the parameter 'NUM OF DAYS ADDED TO LD FOR SEARCH SCHEDULE'. Ignore service time is not needed as long as the final delivery shipment end is before the order late delivery date and "NUM OF DAYS ADDED TO LD FOR SEARCH SCHEDULE'.
  • The Ignore criteria is used to re-drive the downstream shipments if the extended late delivery is greater than the ocean shipment end time, but less than the final delivery shipment end time. In this case, the downstream shipments have the status updated to 'Time Infeasible'.

Note: While the user interface is convenient for adding new voyage data, it is mostly helpful when you are adding just a handful at a time. For adding large amounts of voyage data, it is much easier, and highly recommended, to use the Voyage Data API which is described in detail in the Data Management Guide on the Oracle Help Center.

Voyage schedule information can be used when creating vessel shipments.

Composite Voyages

A composite voyage is a voyage that takes place using two or more vessels. The main vessel is the 'mother' vessel  and can be identified as such when creating a voyage. This enables you to identify which feeder was from the source port and what is the mother vessel discharging at the destination port on the shipment.

  • A shipment's last departure stop must be before voyage's first transload stop.
  • A shipment's first arrival stop must be after voyage's last transload stop.
  • If a transload shipment has a composite voyage, then it will find all transload stops on its voyage and insert them as transload stops on the shipment. The times from the voyage are copied to shipment stops.
  • If there are multiple transload stops in a voyage, then all the transload stops should be together in the middle of voyage stops.

Adding Voyages:

  1. The Voyage Number is the unique identifier for the voyage.
  2. The Voyage Name further describes the voyage for informational purposes.
  3. The Vessel ID identifies the actual equipment or ship that is used in the voyage schedule.
  4. Select the Composite check box to identify if the voyage has a transload point.
  5. Enter the Service Provider for the voyage.
  6. The Service Provider Profile field is not used.
  7. The Voyage Service Type ID identifies the voyage service type which must be assigned to at least one rate service. Each voyage schedule must have a voyage service type that is associated with at least one rate service for it to be considered for a shipment.
  8. The voyage's Departure Region name and Arrival Region name are for information.

Voyage Locations

  1. Complete the rotation information for the voyage. Since a voyage rotation may involve several legs, enter the rotation sequence in Seq. For example, if you are creating the first leg of the rotation, type 1.
  2. Enter the departure or arrival location for the leg in Location.
  3. Select the Activity for the location (Depart or Arrive).
  4. The Activity Date specifies when the vessel will arrive or depart at the location that you specified above. Oracle Transportation Management evaluates this date in shipment planning to determine whether a voyage schedule can be used to build a shipment. When a shipment is created, the Activity Date determines the shipment stop dates/times.

    Note: Planning logic uses the date/time that the freight will be available at the origin port along with the date/time that the freight needs to be at the destination port to find valid voyage schedules for the move. See also Cutoff/Recovery Time.

  5. The Transload check box is used by OTM to indicate a transload stop (the stop type will be "T" for transload.)
  6. The Voyage Service Type ID field is the voyage service type of the operator of the leg. It is a validated field but is only used for information and documentation. The Voyage Service Type ID on the header is operational and used to link the voyage to the rate service. The voyage service type of the mother vessel should be the voyage service type on the header.
  7. The Voyage Description field is the voyage of the operator of the leg. This is for information only and is not a validated field.
  8. The Vessel Description field is for further information about the vessel for the leg. It is for information only.
  9. Select the Mother check box to indicate that this is the mother vessel or "vessel of record" for the leg for customs.
  10. The Estimated and Actual Dates are not used in shipment planning and can be recorded for informational purposes.

Voyage Alerts

You can configure an automation agent to alert contacts about voyage schedules. For example, you can configure an agent to notify contacts based on the following events:


When you create the agent, select the VOYAGE Agent Type and choose the event that you want. Then configure the appropriate action.

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