Shipment Management

Cutoff Recovery Time

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Location > Cutoff Recovery Times.

Deliveries need to be brought to locations, such as origin airports or ports, a certain amount of time prior to a flight or voyage. This is known as cutoff time. If the delivery does not arrive at the location before the cutoff time, it cannot be accepted. Also, there is a certain amount of time that the delivery must wait at the destination before it can continue on. This is the recovery time. This information can vary by location, service provider, rate service, voyage service type or a combination of them. This can be used for voyages, flights and ground services with two stops.

The most specific cutoff/recovery time will apply to the shipment. If there is an entry in the Cutoff Recovery Time details for this voyage service type, then that data is used to determine the shipment start/end time. If there are no voyage service type details available, then header information will be used.

Use the Rate Service ID to specify cutoff and recovery times for a specific rate, the Service Provider ID to specify cutoff and recovery times for a specific carrier or airline, or the Location ID to specify cutoff and recovery times for an location. You can add details for cutoff and recovery times for voyage service types on the Cutoff Recovery Time Details screen.

Note: If there are multiple Cutoff Recovery Time records that apply to a particular shipment, Oracle Transportation Management looks first at the rate service, then the service provider, and finally the location.

For example, you may have one Cutoff Recovery Time record specifying that all shipments going through Philadelphia International Airport must arrive at least 2 hours before the flight, and another record that states that all shipments to be transported on United Airlines must arrive 4 hours before the flight in order to qualify. If you are planning a shipment flying on United Airlines and taking off at Philadelphia International Airport, Oracle Transportation Management chooses 4 hours as the cutoff time, since service providers (United Airlines) take precedence over locations (Philadelphia International Airport).

Oracle Transportation Management uses these times when calculating the total service time required for a shipment to reach its destination. The times are also listed as wait time for the associated shipment stop.

In the Cutoff Offset field, enter the amount of time that must be reserved for the shipment at the origin location before it can be put on the equipment. If the shipment does not arrive at the location before the cutoff offset time, it cannot be accepted on the equipment.

In the Recovery Offset field, enter the amount of time that the shipment must wait at the destination before it is ready to be transported again.

Cutoff Recovery Details

Click New Cutoff Recovery Detail to enter details for cutoff and recovery times for voyage service types.

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