Shipment Management

Change Schedule

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Details > Change Schedule.

Use the Change Schedule action to re-assign or change the Flight, Voyage, or Ground Schedule for the shipment.


Following are the validations when you select multiple shipments and perform the action:

  • You can select multiple shipments and change flight and voyage schedules.
  • All the selected shipments must be on the same schedule, either Flight or Voyage.
  • All the selected shipments must have the same values for the following fields: Source Location ID, Destination Location ID, Service Provider, Rate Service, and the Known Shipper check box.
  • For Voyage Schedules, voyage ID and the service provider must be same for all the selected shipments.
  • You can only process one ground service shipment at a time.

When the action Change Schedule is executed, OTM uses the order movement time window to collect the valid voyages.

This action can also be run as a Buy Shipment agent action. When a conditional booking is accepted, the conditional booking data is copied to the shipment. A conditional booking acceptance agent listens to a shipment conditional booking data change event, and calls agent actions to change voyage, rerate, and/or redrive shipments.

Air Schedule

Use this action to change a shipment from one airline's flight onto another. Oracle Transportation Management selects a flight for a shipment based on the rate service time used for that shipment. Oracle Transportation Management ranks the available flights by time, and selects the flight with the earliest available time. You cannot select this action once the status of the shipment is ENROUTE_ENROUTE.

The parameter Interline Flights Allowed controls the use of code sharing for interim airline flights.

Note: The shipment must have location roles of airport for its pickup and delivery locations.

Find Schedules Page

This interim page allows you to enter constraints. This only displays for voyages.

This action can change to a voyage with a different service provider, Port of Load and/or Port of Discharge, so shipment stops, service provider, rate record, rate offering and rate service on the shipment can change. The data changes must be compatible.

You can specify a new Voyage ID if you know it. If specified, other input fields are still checked if populated. This is useful if the voyage has multiple ports that match the shipment. Also, you can select the same voyage but change the port of load and/or port of discharge.

You can enter a Service Provider Profile to show all voyages associated with the service providers in the profile. You can click the Exclude check box and enter a Service Provider Profile to show voyages for all service providers except for those specified in the profile. If the shipment has Service Provider Fixed selected, the service provider will be read-only.

The valid Port of Load and Port of Discharge options come from the source and destination via points on the shipment leg. If these are not defined, they come from the port of load and port of discharge on the shipment itself. You can specify any number of ports. If none are selected, it is as if all valid ports are selected.

The Earliest Departure Time is the earliest date that the new voyage can depart the port of load. It is pre-populated with the early date of the order movements on the shipment. If there are multiple order movements the latest date of all pick up dates is chosen.

The Latest Arrival Time is the latest date the new voyage can arrive at the port of discharge. It is pre-populated with the late delivery date of the order movements on the shipment. If there are multiple order movements, the earliest of all late delivery dates.

Note: If the Voyage Fixed check box on a shipment is already on (true) before the action is run, the action will issue a warning. You can choose to override the fixed voyage or cancel the action. The 'Change Schedule' web action will always set the Voyage Fixed flag to true.

Note: There are two agent actions that also call the Change Schedule action: 'Change Voyage' and 'Shipment Conditional Booking - Rerate and Redrive'. The agent actions can change the voyage even if the Voyage Fixed check box is selected.
To avoid overriding a fixed voyage with an agent, you can add an IF statement: "If fixedVoyageFlagOnShipment is false Assign Voyage".

Change Schedule Page

After you click, Find Schedule, the Change Schedule page opens. This page displays valid options.

  1. Select or deselect whether to redrive downstream or upstream shipments.
    1. Redrive Downstream Shipments - this option is selected by default. OTM will not redrive past tendered shipments nor their downstream shipments.
    2. The Downstream Location Profile ID field is only visible if Redrive Downstream shipment is selected. If populated, OTM redrives downstream shipments only if the destination location of the current shipment belongs to the profile.
    3. Redrive Upstream Shipments - this option is not selected by default. If selected, OTM will not redrive past tendered shipments nor their upstream shipments.
    4. The Upstream Location Profile ID field is only visible if Redrive Upstream shipment is selected. If populated, OTM redrives upstream shipments only if the source location of the current shipment belongs to the profile.
  2. Click OK to continue or Back to return to the previous page.

Shipment - Change Schedule Result

If the selected shipments are processed successfully, the Shipment - Change Schedule result page displays the list of Affected Shipments.

If some of the selected shipments fail, the result page displays the list of Affected Shipments and Failed Shipments.

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