Order Management

Shipments Created

This page displays the results for a shipment action. The content of this page depends on the action that you initiated. For example, this page displays the shipments that Oracle Transportation Management created as a result of using the Build Shipment actions from the Order Release Results page. Each shipment appears on a separate row with shipment attributes such as the ID (this is generated by Oracle Transportation Management), actual and weighted cost, start and end date/time, service provider, and the rate offering. These attributes were either assigned by Oracle Transportation Management during shipment planning or entered as planning constraints on the orders.

If you do not like the results of shipment planning, you can return to the Order Release Results page and use the Unassign Order action to remove the order from the shipment. Then make any adjustments that you want and re-plan the order using the shipment actions.

This page also appears as a result of other shipment actions such as recalculate shipment, divert shipment, merge shipments, and so on. In those cases, this page displays a before and after snapshot of the changes made to the shipment.

In either situation, you view additional shipment details or perform various shipment actions by clicking on the ID (in the before/after example, click on the resulting shipment ID).

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