Shipment Management

Capacity Override Line

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Equipment Management > Equipment Capacity Override > New Capacity Override Line.

You can define a capacity override line by placing a max weight and/or volume limit per a specific transport mode, equipment group or service provider. You can add as many lines as you need to model restrictions. When you save a line and return to the Capacity Override page, each line appears in the grid. The Override Type field on the Equipment Capacity Override page is automatically populated with either SHIPMENT (if you selected a transport mode and/or service provider) or EQUIPMENT (if you selected an equipment group).

Note: The parameter USE CAPACITY OVERRIDE BY SERVPROV determines what objects to consider for matching to a shipment for capacity override lines. If true, for capacity override lines with a type of 'shipment', transport mode and service provider will be considered when matching to a shipment. For capacity override lines with a type of 'Equipment', equipment group, transport mode, and service provider will be considered when matching to a shipment.

Defining Capacity Override Lines

  1. You can define capacity override lines for transport more equipment group and/or service provider depending on the setting of the USE CAPACITY OVERRIDE BY SERVPROV parameter and the override type. If the parameter is false, enter either the equipment group or the transport mode (and nothing for the service provider). If the parameter is true, you can enter any combination of transport mode, equipment group and/or service provider. Any can be left blank.
    1. Select a Transport Mode ID from the drop down.
    2. Select an Equipment Group ID.
    3. Enter a Service Provider ID.
  2. Enter either the Max Weight or Max Volume or both.
  3. Click Save.

After you save the lines and finish the Capacity Override record, assign the record to any leg of a multi-leg itinerary.

Business Logic behind Capacity Overrides

Capacity Overrides are evaluated when you build shipments from orders using the following logic:

To find the capacity overrides:

  • Find all the capacity overrides for a leg and all the capacity override lines.
  • For each capacity override line, if the Override Type is SHIPMENT, get the transport mode and the capacities on the line. If the Override Type is EQUIPMENT, get the equipment group and its capacities.
  • If more than one Capacity Override is involved (for example, two capacity overrides for two regions), use the smallest capacity value of all capacity overrides.

The shipment capacity overrides (Override Type = SHIPMENT) are used as follows:

  • When a shipment is built, if more than one equipment is used, check again to make sure the overall weight and volume do not exceed the capacity overrides.
  • If both a transport mode and a service provider are selected, both will be checked.
  • The service provider on the line is considered if the USE CAPACITY OVERRIDE BY SERVPROV parameter is true.

The equipment capacity overrides (Override Type = EQUIPMENT) are only used for the containers as follows:

  • Ensure that the containers do not exceed the capacity overrides.
  • The service provider on the line is considered if the USE CAPACITY OVERRIDE BY SERVPROV parameter is true.

When the USE CAPACITY OVERRIDE BY SERVPROV parameter is true:

If the USE CAPACITY OVERRIDE BY SERVPROV parameter is true, the capacity override lines can be used to define general rules and more specific examples. If multiple capacity override lines match to a shipment, the most specific one applies. For example, you may have three lines as follows:

  • Line A 40FT, 20,000 lbs
  • Line B 40FT, Intermodal 30,000 lbs
  • Line C 40FT, Intermodal, Carrier X, 40,000 lbs

In this case, a shipment with a 40FT equipment will have the following capacity limits:

  • If the shipment is TL, line A will apply (regardless of mode), and the override will be 20000 lbs
  • If the shipment is on Carrier Y and Intermodal, line B will apply, and the override will be 30000 lbs.
  • If the shipment is on Carrier X and Intermodal, line C will apply, and the override will be 40000 lbs.

Related Topics

Capacity Override