Shipment Management

Calculated Fields: Shipment Manager

Calculated fields are fields whose content consists of information aggregated from several other fields. They are used on the following finders and finder results: Driver Manager, Equipment Manager and Shipment Manager.

The following properties let you define your use of calculated fields:

Following are some of the calculated fields on the Shipment manager along with descriptions.

Shipment Manager Calculated Fields

  • First Freight Equipment ID: This gives the first Equipment with is_freight = 'Y'. First Freight Equipment ID represents the First Equipment ID on the shipment that carries the freight on the shipment.
  • First Freight Equipment Type ID: This gives the equipment type of the first equipment having is_freight =  'Y'. First Freight Equipment Type ID represents the Equipment Type ID on the shipment that carries the freight on the shipment .
  • Total Distance: Shipments where the total distance is within x miles.
  • Bobtail Distance: Shipments where the bobtail distance is within x miles.
  • Deadhead Distance: Shipments where the deadhead distance is within x miles.
  • Number of Pickup Stops: The count of the number of stops on a shipment that are a pickup stop.
  • Number of Delivery Stops: The count of the number of stops on a shipment that are a pickup stop.
  • Number of NFR Stops: The count of the number of stops on a shipment that are neither a pickup, dropoff nor both; stops for which there are no associated shipment ship units.
  • Pre-Freight Empty Equipment Type Dropoff Assignment State: The options are:
    • Not Required: If 'Move-Empty' or 'Check Inventory' special service does not exist.
    • Required: If 'Move-Empty' or 'Check Inventory' special service exists, but equipment type for this move is still not assigned.
    • Assigned: 'Move-Empty' or 'Check Inventory' special service exists and required equipment type is already assigned. It is the same as having PREV_DROP_INVENTORY_PROCESSED field on the shipment set to 'Y'.
  • Pre-Freight Empty Equipment Type Pickup Assignment State: The options are:
    • Not Required: If 'Move-Empty' or 'Check Inventory' special service does not exist.
    • Required: If 'Move-Empty' or 'Check Inventory' special service exists, but equipment type for this move is still not assigned.
    • Assigned: 'Move-Empty' or 'Check Inventory' special service exists and the required equipment type is already assigned. It is the same as having PICKUP_INVENTORY_PROCESSED field on the shipment set to 'Y'.
  • Freight Equipment Type Assignment State: The options are:
    • Not Required: IS_FREIGHT move does not exist (S_EQUIPMENT.IS_FREIGHT set to N).
    • Required: If IS_FREIGHT move exists, it can be identified by S_EQUIPMENT.IS_FREIGHT set to Y, but equipment type for this move is still not assigned.
    • Assigned: Equipment Type assigned to FREIGHT MOVE, it can be identified by S_EQUIPMENT.IS_FREIGHT set to Y and S_EQUIPMENT.EQUIPMENT_TYPE_GID is not null.
  • Post-Freight Empty Equipment Type Dropoff Assignment State: The options are:
    • Not Required: If 'Move-Empty' or 'Check Inventory' special service does not exist.
    • Required: If 'Move-Empty' or 'Check Inventory' special service exists, but equipment type for this move is still not assigned.
    • Assigned: 'Move-Empty' or 'Check Inventory' special service exists and the required equipment type is already assigned. It is the same as having DROPOFF_INVENTORY_PROCESSED field on the shipment set to 'Y'.
  • Target Location ID and Destination Distance to Target Location enable you to filter search results for all shipments that have a destination located within x miles of the target location. For example, if you were looking for ship to addresses within 10 miles of King of Prussia, you would enter the ID for King of Prussia in the Target Destination ID field and 0 in the first Destination Distance to Target Location field and 10 in the second. You can choose miles or kilometers. The results would then be limited to all shipments with destinations located within 10 miles of the target location.
  • Driver's Next Assignment Location ID: This filters drivers by their next available assignment location.

Note: This field must be specified to use any of the following calculated filtering criteria fields.

  • Proximity to Drivers Next Assignment Location ID: Filters shipments with drivers who's next assignment location is within a certain radius of a specific location, for example, between 10 and 20 miles from Philadelphia meaning, not less than 10 but no more than 20 miles from Philadelphia.
  • Date at Drivers Next Assignment Location ID: Filters shipments with drivers who's next assignment is within a certain date range. All the assignments of a driver must fall within the specified date range.
  • Pickup Duration to Drivers Next Assignment Location ID: This is the time spent at the location determined by the Drivers Next Assignment Location ID (see above) and the shipment start time of the next assignment.
  • Category Cost: For the Primary Category Cost, the Secondary Category Cost and the Tertiary Category Cost, the parameter defined in parameter sets, and/or specified as input into certain planning actions is used to determine costs sets, or groups of user defined costs used to rate the shipment in question, either Regular or Weighted costs, that are grouped and totaled into one of three buckets: primary, secondary and tertiary. Secondary and tertiary costs are informational only in that there is no business logic tied to them. They are meant to represent additional qualitative cost information, such as deadhead vs bobtail miles, as an example that you can leverage to make qualitative driver assignment decisions. In this case, shipments can be searched for based on these three values/ranges.

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