Shipment Management

Order Base/Order Release Allocation

This page contains Order Release Allocation, Order Release Line Allocation, and Order Base Line allocation.

This page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments. Open a shipment in View mode. Click More to expand the section.
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Sell Shipments. Open a shipment in View mode. Click More to expand the section.
  • Financials > Payment Invoice Management > Voucher. Open in View mode to view the allocation details.
  • Financials > Billing Management > Billing. Open in View mode to view the allocation details.
  • Order Management > Purchase Order > Order Base. Open in View mode to view the allocation details.
  • Order Management > Order Release > Order Release. Open in View mode to view the allocation details.

Costs that cover everything (all orders/ order release lines) on the shipment are base type cost and will be allocated according to the selected allocation method.

Private costs are costs associated with one or two individual order base lines/order release lines/items, and have their own separate allocation. For example, items on a shipment have an accessorial associated with them, to the extent the costs are generated against specific order release lines, they will be private. When costs are private they will follow a different allocation strategy, whereby they are only 'allocated' across the order(s)/order base lines/order release lines that the cost is associated with.

So for example, assume you have three order base lines (OBL1, OBL2, OBL3) which are aggregated to two order releases (OBL1 to OR1; OBL2 and OBL3 to OR2) and planned into a single shipment(S1).

The cost lines on the shipment are:

  • Base $90
  • Accessorial (INSURANCE) $20

Assume that only one order OR2 required insurance. This tells allocation to only allocate that cost to the two order base lines corresponding to order OR2. So assuming allocation by weight and equal weight orders, your resulting allocation would look like this:

  • OBL1 1: Base $30
  • OBL2 2: Base $30, Accessorial $10
  • OBL3 3: Base $30, Accessorial $10

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